fellermooty's forum posts
While IGN is not really pro-PS3, the preview was done by the PS3 team so naturally there will be some bias there. I think it's silly to even think that they might have been paid by Sony, but the way they gushed praise over it tarnishes their credibility a bit.
Besides, IGN does not need to decide for us, least of all in the PREVIEW stages, how good a game looks like or plays. We will be the judge. And of course, we'll wait until the official reviews from all over the media.
[QUOTE="Toriko42"]Killzone makes the world look a lot more colourful too by comparison
Those shades of gray and the same enemies over and over again really look awesome
Awesome criticism there, coming from someone who has played the full version, seen all the areas and enemies this KZ2 has to offer. Noticed you've been playing some Gears 2 on there. It has a lil more color now, but from what I remember playing it as recently as tonight, that game has an awful lot of grey in it as well. Those enemies are about exactly the same from what I can remember too.
It's alright though, fanboyism always prevents people from enjoying a game no matter what game or generation it is.
Who's the fanboy here? The fact that you described the enemies in Gears 2 are exactly the same shows that you probably didn't play the game at all. I'm sure you just watched an occasional preview let the garbage fly out your mouth. But then, I'm glad you accept that fanboyism prevents some people from enjoying good games. It's part of the circle of life. It's the benefit companies get from having loyal fans. On topic, Killzone 2 is shaping up to be a real nice game, but I doubt that it will cause anyone to jump ship. It will get some nice sales, but I don't think it'll be a major system-seller. It's a good game, maybe great, but looks far from a brilliant one.Hey you know what? This keeps the competition between the Xbox and PlayStation very healthy. It gives another plus point for someone to own a 360. Just like Sony secured exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC, only Xbox and PC get Fallout 3 DLC. Without this sort of competition, Sony and Micro$oft wouldn't be on their toes! I wouldn't want to see MGS 4 ported to 360, neither would I like to see Mass Effect 2 come to PS3!
However, if someone must shoulder the blame it is probable Sony. Valve knows what its doing; they know that they aren't going to starve by not making a PS3 port. Time and time again Xbox 360 has always won out in the multi-plat sales, so I guess they feel they've got the majority of console owners covered.
Sony never resolved the difficult development issues. Granted, now the devs are getting more used to it, but Left 4 Dead has already been in the works for some time now. TC said that at least millions will purchase it should it come out on PS3? Fat chance. You hardly speak for the PS3 community. Not only would the Xbox 360 version sell better, you'd be lucky to even hit 500k in my opinion.
Come on guys, we have to accept that despite using Infinity Ward's engine Treyarch still had to put in some hard work to make it happen. I mean why are we detracting from the game that the engine is same as last time, it works doesn't it? If ain't broke...
Treyarch would still have to design a completely different enviroment, no more browns of bald Middle Eastern desert, now lush tropical jungles. It's not Far Cry, but it's clearly more than just a mod. They would have had to write a different story, design different levels, with different weapons and enemies with different tactics.
They also made imrpovements. For example I thought that the artillery bombing in the beta felt a lot more terrifying than the airstrike in COD4. People also need to stop making up their minds based on what a game looks like. Accept it, it's a different war!
All the TC complained about is multiplayer, y'know...that doesn't qualify GeOW 2 as an automatic fail.
But since we're all on the topic of multiplayer, I think everything they've done has made the game balanced. We're just complaining because we're used to the style of the first game. It's what all we humans are afraid of...change. It's for the better, IMO.
Match-making, can be boring while waiting for a match but look at how Bungie made it work marvellously. Epic and Activision need to take a leaf out of their book.
But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?Floppy_Jim
Yeah, that's right. You're just another cow shooting his mouth off.
Here are the facts
PS3 really DOES have the lowest attach rate. Here is the proof.
I really sympathize with the parents, they just wanted to discipline him, not even in a very harsh way, but the way he took off immediately makes me think his addiction may have been pretty serious.
I think we should always talk things out before we make rash decisions, not that I blame the parents. I really feel sorry for the father, he sounded like he loved his son and he regrets it. It's not his fault.
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