[QUOTE="DrinkDuff"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="mephisto_11"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]So can we call this a semi-flop?Silverbond
its 94.6% at gamerankings with 28 reviews, R2 is 88.4% with 22 reviews. call it a semi flop if you want. i'll be playing the best shooter this fall
I'm not talking about GR because we're on Gamespot. Lemmings hyped this as a 10 for a while and surely higher than a 9.
I didn't seen anyone hype it AAAA.A few of them were most definitely hyping it AAAA.
A few hyping it AAAA, just like there were a few hyping LBP AAAA. What are you trying to prove? There are extremists everywhere.
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