How can people even compare geow2 graphics to KZ2, in motion its like comparing a old black and white tv from the 50's to today's LCD and Plasma tv's.
KZ2 is a perfect example of what ps3 is capable of and will be doing with every game including multiplats once devs drop x360 as the lead platform by late next year due to poor sales, piracy, lack of exclusives, lack of storage space, rrod, etc..
Really, you flatter the Playstation 3. The reason why devs like the 360 as the lead platform is because its easier to develop for. I highly doubt that the 360 sales will ever reach a low that convinces developers to switch to PS3 to lead. And to counter your point, the Xbox fanbase is about 9 million units larger than that of the PS3's (worldwide).
RROD? It's becoming a thing of the past...and is certainly no reason for devs to stop supporting the PS3. It hasn't been in the past for sure. Piracy is far more widespread on the PC, yet it is a platform still well supported.
Why don't you look at one of the Xbox's finer qualities? Such as a far better organized and efficient online service than PSN...isn't that also something that devs should make good use of?
I wholly agree with you on the storage space thing though, makes it hard for devs to compress their games into one DVD 9. Plus not all Xboxes are sold with a 120GB hard drive.
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