Spiderman: Web of Shadows. It is so glitchy and it feels like no improvement over Spiderman 3. At least its better than Friend or Foe.
fellermooty's forum posts
According to the IGN head-to-head, the PS3 version has more pop-up than the 360 despite the install, but visual-wise...it says on the box the PS3 version runs at 720p while the Xbox version runs at 1080p?
[QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="lesner87"][QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="lesner87"]And you didnt lock this.;)[QUOTE="Spybot_9"][QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]you could have just looked at the stickied thread. lesner87
It has nothing to do with that.I am asking gser that how many AAAe does the 360 actually have ?
You've been around enough to know the answer to that. What I'd like the answer to is: if you're asking for some other agenda, what is it exactly?
Well it has a very owange full aim but i will create a seperate topic once i am done here :).
Then enough with the Zib-a-Zab and stop wasting everyone's time. Get to your real point and be done with it.
Have patience my friend.Whats the rush all about ? Let me clear all things up and see that how many AAAe does the 360 ACTUALLY have.Not those AAAe which lems consider BUT those AAA EXCLUSIVES which PEOPLE also consider as AAA E.
Well the answer to your question is:
Forza 2, GRAW, Halo 3, PD0
So....what next?
Funny how you think the Halo 3 single player experience is sub-par.
I definitely wouldn't have cared less if Bungie excluded the MP, because Halo is all about the story and the single player. Without the Halo story, Master Chief wouldn't be the icon he is today.
I just look at the multi-player as a wonderful bonus Bungie added to the game to keep us playing for months after. Good hard work on the dev's part. It makes the game a complete package.
Xbox. It will have better controls, plus achievements.
And it WON'T overheat after one hour. That's just fanboy talk.
You guys can't be taking this guy seriously.
He's the vice-president of PRODUCT MARKETING. He is a salesman, not a technical guy. What he is saying is just an attention-grabbing stunt.
There is no significance in his statement. Is what he said going to sway developers to start porting from PS3 to the 360? No. His opinion is irrelevant to the technical world.
This idiot is just spouting hot air.
Don't listen to these fanboys. You are probably right in looking to Microsoft for your gaming needs, they are hitting all the right notes this gen.
You pay the price of ONE game for a year of Xbox Live, that is infinitely better than PSN currently and in the near future. If you're into the Xbox kind of games, you're all set and the multi-plats are definitely better for the 360. However, if you like did like the PS games of old, you're probably better off with your present console. The four new JRPGs announced by Square are unproven.
However to enjoy the best of both worlds, own both =P
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