@Grieverr: Yeah , i agree with you wholeheartedly. I guess i was just venting my frustration with the company because i really do have a place in my heart for them. They have amazingly talented people there and are more than capable of partaking in a sorta natural evolution for the company. I feel like everyone knows what it is nintendo needs to do except for nintendo lol , its infuriating to say the least. I love their franchises but for the whole consoles success to be based on those games is just horrible for a person who cant afford another platform to benefit from that balance of having a ps4 or xbone as well as a wii u . So yea I'm holding out real hope for their next console. I hope they are finally ready to grow and learn from their mistakes . Enough with these wacky controllers man lol that wii u controller is really just awful. Give us a traditional controller and innovate on that rather than make something so left field that it turns people off to buying the damn thing . And spend money on an up to date gpu/cpu. God knows they got it like that who are they kidding lol. and honestly i don't think they've had good third party support since snes imo.
frankiebotzkidd's forum posts
@Grieverr: sequels are fine as long as they innovate as have a cool enough new setting and story to compliment it. right now I'm playing sunset overdrive ( which is so awesome) and middle earth . just picked up far cry 4 also ( new to the series ) , and call of duty ( best one since cod4 imo )
@mikehockbourns: @QingJao86: lol proper capitalization and proper punctuation? I'm on a gaming website u mutt lol as far as proper spelling goes i think i did just fine considering my personal standards as for what that should be on these obscure gamespot forums lol . also i said what i got for it which were two games that ill probably being playing until their sequels come out so hey man to each their own . me calling the person of low intelligence is based on him or her not reading anything i said . which was clear to me after reading their response . ANyWAYS loll
@QingJao86: when i read your post it screamed low intelligence to me. i said everything i could say and if u read it , which i could care less if you didn't , and actually understood it then you'd understand where I'm coming from . i cleared it up as good as good can be . a little lengthy given, but cleared up nonetheless
gotta start paragraphing a lil better with these chunky paragraphs lol my apologies. I'm sure its not easy on the eyes
@KBFloYd: lol broke and dumb. you guys just try to be outrageous in the way you answer( god knows its not part of your real life persona ) id love to see how some of you on here really cope in real life. my instincts tell me your working either no job or at kmart or some other retail job as a sales associate lol . i never discriminate against selling a video game or system ill never play again or don't use enough to justify me keeping it to just for the sake of , or rather buy games i want and never played so i could avoid diving into the money i made for the week . speaks volumes about some of the answers i get on here , you guys are either privileged or incompetent cant figure out which one but i smell b.s :)
@12danny123: i agree. it is annoying. you should appreciate a good game regardless of platform. . having personal opinions is fine but being a hardcore brand loyalist makes you look silly . point blank . end the madness lol .
(in essence ) describing me as someone who's attention hungry ( like a person who didn't get enough love from mommy and daddy ) . because i know how much you guys love to be nitpicky on these forums . i know I've written a bit much but obviously i need to do a better job of articulating myself and clearing things up.
@Gloryfinder: @jasonredemption: i think your reading into it a bit much.my post was about me trading in my 3ds and how it saddened me because of how much i love nintendo platforms of the past but i feel like they don't have the amount of interesting games they used to have . + i wanted to see if there was a game that wasn't on my radar that someone else could tell me about . because i feel like my decision wasn't too bad. i got two games that have a crap load of replay value + worst case ill pick up the new version when there is a few games i wanna pick up , but as far as announced games go , only xenoblade and majoras mask are the ones i know of that are interesting to me. and those two games aren't really enough for me to pick up the system both being ports and all .feel like there should be at least another few games.( basically where the hell is my metroid!) . and glory finder , most of those games aren't very good in my own opinion . I'm not 6 years old so i don't like nintendogs , pokemon mystery dungeon is meh imo, dillons rolling western ? yea thats on everyones list lemme tell ya , and its highly acclaimed sequel lol , starfox 3d , great game played it enough already lol , ridge racer !! LOL, need i go on ? all the great games I've played trust me . albw is amazing , so is luigis mansions etc . my whole point was i was saddened i traded it in but also didn't regret it and it was weird to me that i didn't. usually nintendo handhelds are my favorite system to travel with but i guess i don't have that connection with this one yet. people wanna give their sarcastic contrarian- like opinions so i respond . I'm on a gaming forum to let my experiences and opinions be heard so yes obviously i am seeking attention for both of those things. that would be silly to think otherwise . all of us are on here to be share and be heard. one of the comments is describing me as someone who's mommy and daddy didn't love him enough lol. amazing how well you know me through this laptop of mine . i think i reacted so strongly to the first commenter because he says ps4 has a weak line up . I've heard this a lot lately and couldn't disagree more . peoples argument is there aren't enough good first party games . first of all thats subjective ( the games that don't work a la driveclub a month after release that is understandable) but third party games are super important and they DO count. and a lot of them are the ones you look at to see an example of how much games have grown as a medium . i don't believe these games exist on nintendo platforms anymore . i don't think they are pushing any boundaries and that upsets me . I'm done .
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