thats 250 bucks worth of value! go gamefly! LoL SAVING ME SOME MONEYYYYY LOVEEE YAAAAA GUYSSS! I'm now a walking talking advertisement for this beautiful service. anyone who has it knows y I'm feelin lucky. any similar experiences out there with gamefly?
frankiebotzkidd's forum posts
i got gamefly for the holidays last year and while i do love it , its very difficult to get new games as soon as they release . not complaining because I've played a lot of games i winded up loving that id miss otherwise. but recently I've been on some type of lucky streak with the service . i got the two game deal goin and as we speak i got sunset overdrive and evil within on the way to my house . prior to that i had metro redux and middle earth shadow of mordor so I'm feelin real good about gamely right about now lol .
with all that being said I'm 100% positive sony is aware of the behemoth they have created with the ps4 and would be stupid not to support it . so i guarantee we see something big at that playstation event . i guess I'm just kind of wondering what it will be . ill freak if they show a trailer for gow4 :) lol. if yu think about it killzone and uncharted are the only established ip that have come out or been announced so far so i wouldn't be surprised if we hear about god of war . it got me excited when ms announced a new gears even though its years off which I'm sure god of war would be a ways off also . i just want to become more excited for the future of this thing !
@MarcRecon: this year only sunset and halo but im only really talking about announced games i guess rather than specifically by year . so far ms has announced a new gears , new crack down, halo 5 , quantum break , tomb raider, scale bound . sony has bloodborne(best one imo) , the order ( which looks cool but has had pretty crappy reports about it ) , lbp3( not my kinda game ) , and uncharted which will inevitably be amazing but thats really it . i just want sony to let us know maby theres a new god of war in the works , that alleged concept art from guerrillas new ip with robo dinosaurs looks freegin awesome lol ( i think dinosaurs are sadly underused in a cool way ) and the rest of sonys enormous stable of devs . i just think its time for them to show a couple more cards to get people excited thats all . i understand lbp3 is a game a lot of people like but i personally cant get into it so to me they really only have 3 announced exclusives coming . they all look cool i just wish there were a few more that i knew about it so i can be hyped. all those ms games I'm super interested in so id have to say I'm more hyped for their lineup . they definently are playing catch up in one way but u gotta remember ps4 is a freak in the sense it sold 10 + mill already .its pretty insane. but xbone is no slacker by any means . i mean it is outpacing the og xbox and 360 by a large margin in sales so its not doing bad by any means . i don't care because i own both but i guess if your into the whole console war thing , ms cutting the price for the holidays is a HUGE deal to consumers when they're weighing out which one they want . oh yeah and drive club doesn't work lol so i really don't count it.
i love my ps4 ( except for the ds4 that consistently has problems ) but besides the order , bloodborne and uncharted 4 all the exclusives are out already . i think in dec when they hold that playstation event , its a smart time for them to show a couple more of their cards to get people excited . i own both new gen consoles and i love both but I'm definently more excited right now game wise about xbones upcoming games and i think with that with this holidays 50 buck price cut microsoft is definently starting to gain some real steam. id love to see maybe one or two reveals from sonys enormous stable of 1st party devs so i can get nice and hyped for my ps4 again . also hoping god of war 4 is being made somewhere in this world because it gives me chills when i think about how good that game can look considering how they pushed the ps3. gow 3 imo gives some ps4/xbone games a run for their money .probably almost 15 million sold by now so i think its time to reward their fans with some new exclusives. what do you guys think they'll show (if anything ) at this event ?
yea i understand it doesn't interfere with the gaming but y the hell do so many people have the same problem lol plus y shud you have to buy grips it to protect it , while inexpensive , its still extra money to spend on this controller . I'm happy to hear some people don't experience any problems but honestly theres too many people with these problems for sony to ignore imo . the controller is a large part of the experience . if you're like me you don't even wanna think about it you just expect it to work . i definently don't rage throw the controller and I'm not extra animated when it comes to pressing the buttons either . i never eat while I'm playing for the most part but if I'm eating dinner after taking a break and the ps4 is still on i make sure to wash any grease on my hands off before picking the controller back up again. almost neurotically i do this . i definently take those precautions so it leads me to believe this controller , while comfortable , is cheaply made . even though the tech inside it is impressive . lol I'm not gunna lie , not necessarily on this forum , but i see a lot of people making excuses for sony about this particular issue . don't get me wrong i understand brand loyalty , but when you spend your hard earned money on something you should be upset when it doesn't work . leads me to believe some people are enjoying the fruits and labor of their mommies and daddies a lil too much .
@BronxBomber: i was thinking if i should do the same but i wonder if the alternative path makes any worthwhile difference in the story? guess u just gotta play it ... anyone play it out there ?
i gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised by this game. high production values . the characters and the voice acting are great . not the longest campaign but its well paced so no complaints there .its one of those stories that ends when its supposed to end . the game mechanics and guns are pretty good too almost makes me wish the game had some type of multiplayer. definently recommend it to those who are skeptics because of the last few iterations .
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