frost_mourne13's forum posts
Ok on Oblivion at 1600 x 1200 with all settings on high
1 GTX can get 32.5 FPS
2 GTS can get 44.5 FPS.
The GTS will cost something like $200 more than the GTX.
is 2x 8800 GTS 640mb a good one or go futher up warplacebo
2 GTS's ain't they'll still kill most games out there. What I think is that, if you're going to spend lots of money on a rig like that, might as well go balls out and get the best there is, within limits, you know? Granted, 2 GTS's are very good, but 2 GTX's are better.
Lol. =D. Ok, It'll take a while for them to get it to you, just to let you know. They make sure every part works, then they do a burn in.
Well, for your build, intel is better, but I think I spied on the main page that AMD gets free shipping. Anyway, if you choose the overclock option, you're going to get a higher overclock from intel Core 2 Duoo processors
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