@kirkalbuquerque: Last few Star Oceans are bad but the series started good.
And nice insult you learn that when some bully in your 4th grade class used it on you last week? This the internet you going to have to get a whole lot more inventive with the insults to get that attention you so crave.
Yet not a single one of their action titles even comes close to their turn based titles. FF has not had a good game in the series since X. Star ocean series was a much better action Rpg from square then any action FF game.
@id0ntkn0w7: PSVR was kind of like the Wii. You got it played a couple of key games then it collected dust. You might pull it out for company who have never used it that is about it.
@id0ntkn0w7: With you on that. Have a switch in my house in a closet somewhere. Belongs to my nephew. Wont play anything on it garbage system. Would not pay 10 dollars for it.
@id0ntkn0w7: Put it this way. Metroid prime was a let down to this metroid fan. And remaking it before Super Metroid would be like Square remaking FF8 before 7.
@id0ntkn0w7: Did I say anything about first person or that it was a shooter? It was just a mediocre Metroid is all I am saying not an iconic game like the OG and Super Metroid were.
And you said "Metroid and Super Metroid both have much fewer Metroid than Prime." That have another meaning then Metroid prime has more enemies? I mean its been a long time but are metroids not the enemies in the game?
You might have a different opinion and by all means express it. but do not get mad about it and resort to name calling over it.
gaeandilth's comments