Why not a remake for the OG games? Prime was after they already abandoned the series to handheld garbage. And it was a lame attempt to bring the series back. It showed very little metroid and tried to compete with much better 3d games of the time,
Frustrating but VR is not there yet. This has some nice upgrades but its basically the same as psvr in how it functions. And PSVR was a paper weight after about a week or two.
Surprised she answered it. And did not refer the question to some alien watch agency. Sad that she had to answer the question in the first place. If there as something technologically advanced enough to get to earth they sure not going to be shot down by what to them would be bows and arrows.
I am sure there is some pushback because of the content of it. But Most is probably because up till that point they followed the game pretty closely.
And was nothing woke about episode 3 that is not exactly the kind of gay couple that the liberal left represents. They were a real gay couple like you would actually see. Not some drama filled activist type that just wants attention.
Yeah usually most movies or shows adapted from video games are trash. Just as most video games adapted from movies are.
TLOU is an exception. I will admit and I did not even like the game, But to be honest I never really gave it much of a chance seemed way to story driven not enough gameplay.
Yeah unintentional? Why lie about it? No one cares really that they tried to cash in on some smut. But they should of been like, "We are sorry that some person that needed so bad to be the victim claimed this was offensive so we had to remove it from the game"
@mogan: Load of Chinese you mean it does not do that well domestically for an action movie franchise, and that gap between domestic and Chinese sales has increased with every sequel.
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