@thecupidstunts: exactly my point. Best game of its type got sent to a garbage handheld system never to see a AAA sequel again. And "its type" got no attention either. I scrounge the indy market and have found maybe 3 or 4 tactics like game over the past 2 decades. And they just generic because they missing the best feature Square ever came up with. The job system.
Tactics remake! Tactics never got the attention it deserved getting thrown down to the garbage handhelds like Castlevania did. Then just getting abandoned.
Was nothing wrong with the AH. I mean look at D2 now. D2jsp just as bad and it is not as convenient and accessible as the RMAH. You put trading in any game there is always a rmah you can not help it.
Problem with the og d3 was the game itself. Loot was boring. Was not game changing items like d2 you just got flat numbers upgrades. New d3 kind of fixes that problem but it is WAY too casual. D3 currently is only fun till you get your build equipped then its right back to that grind for numbers game. Not to mention that every end game build is the exact same strategy hold down 5 or 6 buttons and run around the rift. That is unless you playing some boring required meta build like barb tank.
I found Elden Ring to only be hard to get started. It got super easy after the first playthrough. I think Elden Ring would of hit a much biggest audience if they would of balanced out this difficulty. Easier in the beginning and harder later.
Pretty sad you wipe more to the first few bosses then you ever will again. Pretty much only wiping early because of a lack of knowledge. Also maybe some has to do with overconfidence from other games that get you killed so much in the beginning too.
Malanie only hard because of that lifetap. She would be a quick zerg otherwise.
If only everyone would follow Netflix's example. They been failing on every front but finally made a good decision. It is kind of like raising a child you can not pick them up every time they cry or they will keep crying to get what they want. You can not keep rewarding people with attention when they play the woke card or they will keep doing it.
Woke people do it for 2 things. Either they want attention or they using it as a weapon against something/someone they do not like. A very small percentage are actually offended and that small percentage loses their ability to do anything about it because the massive majority is drowning them out.
@XT14: According to all other laws they are viable at conception. Someone kills a woman that is pregnant whether its 1 week or 9 months they get charged with 2 murders. So the courts obviously recognize the viability at conception. So why is it different for abortion?
I do not care either way. But I do see something shady on the prochoice side. With the history of the use of abortion and eugenics and what Justin Trudeau currently trying to do in Canada. Makes me suspicious there is something far more sinister behind the issue.
Think they will find one day that the "black holes" at the center of galaxies are as close to being a normal black hole as a meteor is to being a planet.
@thecupidstunts: Is only 3 necessities. Food, Water, Security. The only people that would die if we lost the internet would not really be from the loss of the internet but because of it. Technology has cheated nature and the break down of the system would just be nature collecting on the debt we owe it.
We going to pay that debt some day anyway. Some would say that break down of society might actually prolong our lifespan as a species.
@thecupidstunts: I am online because i work to pay for that convenience. I do many things for enjoyment or comfort that I do not need.
Internet is a tool not the system. You might think roofing your house without a nail gun is impossible but if it came down to it you would learn to use a hammer. Same goes for the things you speak of.
Millions all over the world live without the internet every single day. Heck they live without electricity still. And they live devoid of this "system" you also mistakenly think is a necessity.
gaeandilth's comments