"Out of hand" has transitioned to "completely ridiculous," so I am changing gears (though I am certain I will not be able to resist responding to a few things from your last post. Sorry but you will have to look back to determine context).
It is obvious that I am trolling more than a little bit. Though we do not agree, you do not have to take my strongly worded derisive attacks that seriously, at least not the derisive part.
The purpose of discourse has come into question. To my mind, one cannot win or lose a conversation, in a conversation people share ideas and potentially come to agreements. One cannot win or lose an argument; one could persuade others to their point, be persuaded, or reach a point of mutual disagreement agreed irresolvable at the present. And pig-headed-shouting matches like ours, well... at least there are no winners :) .
The statement about winning aside, to try is to attempt, if you will look back you will find that I was belittling you, not trying to belittle you (which you imply is dependent on your reception of the comments, but in fact simply requires me to be rude).
Obviously I disagree that your assertions are "inarguable facts (or logical conclusions)[.]" For one to define one's own argument in these terms is somehow distasteful in my mind.
Frivolous, not "frivilous," I left in a lot of little errors to (Get it? to/too!) but I bring this one up because "frivilous" is not phonetic. Here is the first time I have used a dictionary for any of our conversation, here because it has an audio pronunciation guide: http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/audio.pl?frivol05.wav=frivolous say it with me, "frivolous." Insults and derision will not support my argument, but through the anonymity of the internet, I think we can agree that they can be fun, even cathartic (in a stretched sense of the word).
Here I switch out of gear to respond that supporting local produce does not necessitate anti-globalization. Since you brought up globalization independently, I never thought to clarify. I have commented briefly on negative impacts not readily perceptible to the uninformed observer, but no, I do not want to go out and sink all the cargo ships... but that might look cool, they should do it in a movie in cinemascope (exceptionally wide aspect ratio)! Okay! It sounds like I am back in gear.
You have a very loose definition of plagiarism. If I told you that I love Pringles and that once I open a can I cannot stop eating them, would you tell me that I was plagiarizing their slogan? I have opinions of my own, some are similar to other's opinions, and yet this is not plagiarism. Perhaps you should dig out the dictionary on this one.
Thesaurus? No, I am not using one, nor a dictionary, nor Wikipedia (beyond where cited). I will choose to take the thesaurus comment as a complement on my vocabulary, the dictionary as to the accuracy of my use of speech, and Wikipedia as to your own need to fact check because, yes you should fact check all of this yourself anyways.
Third Reich, I knew this would come up some how. Okay, here it goes: "No! You are the Nazi, you Nazi!" (5 minute brake to laugh my ass off)
Okay, another break from my amusements, who is the arbiter of whose opinions matter? I know that I have not gone out of my way to cite real world sources for my convictions, but then again, I have not made blanket statements like this one. My original position was a single bullet point on the agendas of such movements as those you have mentioned. I do not believe that is enough justification to lump me with them.
Of course I selectively chose which statements to refute, you may not have noticed but that last post was 18 pages long when put into a word processing document.
A. "inadequate" means "unable to meet needs" (I am not using a dictionary, so if you want to use one you can correct me if I am wrong). I do not believe that you will argue that there are not people out there with needs not fulfilled by the economy (so may negatives in that sentence it can be hard to wrap your head around). B. My opinions are based on my experience and education followed by contemplative reflection, and that is why I believe them to be correct, not because they are more rational. C. We will never know until we try.
Omnipotence means absolute power; I believe you meant omniscience which means absolutely knowledge. With omniscience I would know your motives; with omnipotence I would dictate your motives.
Your history adds about as much credence to your current platform as one black person at a GOP convention. Without supporting how and why your beliefs changed, it simply sounds foolish to bring it up. I believe that a person who has fully transitioned from one ideology to another should be able to speak of the two using concrete terms rather than opinionated statements of the foolhardy actions of those poor, simple, ignorant, people whom have not seen the light like you have.
Sorry for calling you out publicly for posturing, as I said before, the message was meant to be private until I discovered it was too long. I do acknowledge that in public view this does seem as though I would have you and others question your validity based on this: it was not intended.
Defining utopia is not posturing, especially when the accurate definition of the word has come into question. "[A] clear misunderstanding for the purpose of dictionaries and encyclopedias[?]" My point was that you cannot expect that I was using a subtle and more obscure interpretation of "utopic" when the most common, most accepted definition is not only contextually correct, but makes more sense than the variant. Not enough room in the dictionary to explain philosophical implications? More like the dictionary is not the appropriate place for this. Not enough room on Wikipedia? I have already acknowledged that it is not a scholarly academic source but in theory, I do not believe Wikipedia's storage space is bound by any limits that we could realistically encounter when storing text and small pictures.
"My understanding of Utopia is concise, and as to your statement that it's common knowledge...a lot of things are common knowledge in simplified form, dumbed down for the lowest-common denominator so they can "kind of understand" when they read it in Oxford's." This sounds very cynical and if you have a concise understanding then that contradicts your assertion that an understanding of utopia could not fit in various reference sources.
Irony is when you use words to denotes something other than their literal interpretation, you misused it once in this post and once in the last.
"You introduced and supported the locally-grown movement, which shares a number of connections with the anti-globalization movement (in terms of participants and NGOs/NPOs. Does your perspective on this subject not share many tenets with said movement?" No. With a single bullet point you are not aware of my full perspective, and you know what happens when you assume... and i did not introduce any movement, i simply said it would be responsible to buy local tomatoes, way back when...
Transcendent is not exactly the adjective I would use to describe you.
"I'm sorry, but what I said about the slippery slope stands." Did you mean to say "peaceful standing on a level field, but I am right, so you can suck it!"?
Interest in my educational background aside, on a still day I can pee 5.5 feet.
Something is banal because it is obvious and boring, not "because it accomplishes nothing." Not using a dictionary, it is just something people should know. Furthermore, jumping to conclusions as you do will not serve you well in your minor. Also, to describe something "interesting," but also as "banal" is conflicted at best.
You ought to be careful with the "inclusive 'you'" when directly addressing someone. The proper way to share such thoughts without confusion is to replace 'you' with 'one.'
Following a rhetorical question with a sentence identifying the subject simply as "It" is not advisable. You would do better to define your subject than assume that the reader has guessed it. I did guess it, but just the same...
"I believe the individual is typically simplistic and predictable." I believe that your beliefs, if not reassessed, will cause you to be unhappy and lonely. Why do I have to be an 'ist' or part of an 'ism.' My answer is that I do not, you see, I am an individual.
While "fallacious" may fit in context, I do not believe it is the most apt question because if you substituted "fallacious" with "facetious" you would get to the hart of the matter. And yes, I am being quite exaggeratedly facetious.
"D- on reading comprehension." Reading comprehension tests are administered using well written, focused, and syntactically correct texts. I would question the value of using any of your comments thus far to assess someone.
The point was never OMG GMO's are the worst, the point was that the way Conagra has utilized GMO's is shameful.
HTML is about the simplest code around, to quote you I simply copied your post, then copy/pasted code amounting to about 2 tags (I forget if this is the right term or not) wherever I wanted to offer a response.
What is "taking the mickey?"
You are 1 in a 1000, "thank you" YourChaosIsntMe
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