genaroll's forum posts
Can't we all just get along?
This is without a doubt the funniest thing I've ever seen on SW
Nope that picture is systemist.Of course the 360 is the one that gets sickWhich company has the better warranty 360>ps3 Detachable harddrive that go up to 250 and don't need to be formatted when switching systems 360>ps3 Which has more usb ports 360>ps3 Which one comes in one color ps3>360 I contributedI see a bunch of E3 related stuff in this section so i figured i'd mix it up.
PS3 has 7 wireless ports for accessories to link up to at once. 360 has i dunno 4?
PS3 > 360
PS3 has built in wifi 360 does not
PS3 > 360
360 has a better online service (overall, but lacks some key features PS3 has (Internet))
360 > PS3
Epic level of exclusives that are never PC shared
PS3 > 360
Hard Drive standard
PS3 > 360
Better controller
Equal Whether you hate the d pad or hate the triggers.
Better looking Console
PS3 > 360
Less likely to break down period
PS3 > 360
Pushedby an American Company
360 > PS3 I'm I love American products and love to jump to the Xbox if only it had PS3's exclusives.
Easier to develope for
360 > PS3
Bigger gaming Library
360 > PS3
More relevant new accessory
PS3 > 360 Move 1:1 ratio vs Natel being Eye Toy like tech (oops thats E3 related)
I tried.
Lol, I feel like I'm the only one that likes how this new Xbox looks.FIipModeIt looks like a table with tiny drill holes.
[QUOTE="HavocV3"]:o:evil: I like Bing Don't tell google what you said.SHHHHHHHKinnect?
not too bad, sure beats Zune or Bing. less generic and mildly creative compared to 'Move'
if it is the rumored 'Wave' then they're equal in the naming category.

[QUOTE="genaroll"]If the 360 had a game that looked like uncharted it would be a lot better.Uncharted got that score mostly because of how it looks.argetlam00
Sorta like how Gears 1 was so highly rated cause of how it looked. Both Gears and Uncharted 2 have excellent gameplay. Its not at all about graphics.
It's not all about graphics but still the game did so good because of graphics.If the game looked like halo 3 or mgs4 it wouldn't be talked about so much.[QUOTE="bryn8150"]Waiting 5 years...then why does DMC4 and dead space look so great. UH I still see screen tearing on both consoles so I don't really see your point there. Have you ever heard of Nocturnal? It was created by insomniac to help developers with the PS3, all their coding is offered for free along with advice from Insomniac and developers from other studios. Still ps3 multiplats are bad compared to the 360 version.someone said '' How did they ( Sony ) drop the ball on multiplats....
By not giving Developers a Dev kit that didnt read like circa 2026 stereo instructions.
by not waiting 5 years until Naughty dog finally figured out an engine that worked on the RSX without screen tearing and frame rate issues.
By not encouraging a user friendlier Development environment like on 360 where maximum results and revenue vs length of development time are balanced vs the PS3 which the same proposition is out of whack....( it will take years to master the RSX and millions of dollars of investment on PS3..Ken Kutaragi's words,,not mine )

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