So MS is making this app that's supposed to run on an iPad? Apple will sabotage it. Google won't be thrilled with it either. What device does that leave? Windows phone.
Salvtore said he hadn't been paid yet. His compensation was going to be a percentage of the MMO sales. So, no. No one stands to gain from this mess but whomever buys the Amalur IP for next to nothing.
This is what we call taking the argument to a ridiculous extreme, which does not counter the agument, it only makes you sound stupid. Next we'll hear the slippery slope argument, and then someone will bring up Hitler.
So you're saying game designers, developers and writiers don't have to like what they're putting into their releases and have nothing invested in their stories, designs or core mechanincs? You speak of software as if it's produced by robots.
Wow, Brendan, you struck a nerve with the ME3 ending haters... They don't seem to realize there is a huge difference between tweaking gameplay, balance and graphics and changing a fundamental aspect of the game like a major gameplay mechanic or the end of the story. Some of the examples people have brought up here are laughable. Equating The Witcher enhanced edition with changing the ME ending? Really?
There were many, many games released for Wii at the peak of it's popularity but very few good ones. All those crappy shovelware 'casual' games that were released by developers hoping to jump on the bandwagon turned off all the non-gamers who bought a Wii.
Non-core (don't like the terms 'hardcore' and 'casual' because we're all) gamers would see a snowboarding game (or whatever) and say "Oh, I like that" and buy it and be disappointed. Because they don't follow gaming or probably don't even realize there are reviews available.
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