this thread is stupid. so what! does that guy saying those things effect you in anyway, other than you getting angry at him... and another note, have you bean to japan since this generation of consoles came out? well i have and i can tell you, the wii is the most popular console in japan and on top of that ps3's are just sitting on shelfs in tokyo, meanwhile i saw on 3 seperate ocasions a person buying a 360 and a huge stack of games.....wreakYou are a hypocrite. If this thread is "stupid" and this guy saying those things doesn't affect me, then why did you feel the need to post on here? What I'm saying doesn't affect you does it? Other than you getting angry with me of course. Also, no I haven't been to Japan, but just because you have and observed a few transactions, that does not make you an expert on the Japanese game market. You're anecdotes about a few 360 purchases are not nearly enough to shake my unwavering belief that the console is relatively unsuccessful in Japan. I defy you to find me one report, one piece of credible news that says that the Xbox 360 has outsold the PS3 in Japan. Everything I've read says that the PS3 has sold twice as many consoles in Japan in its first four months than the 360 has in its entire life. And I'm not at all worried about Final Fantasy or Metal Gear on the Wii. Technologically it is the weakest of the next gen consoles. It's innovative game play has started, what I believe to be a fad. I say that it is a fad because I cannot envision people maintaining an interest in a game console that offers graphics that are barely better than a gamecube.
ghaleon0721's forum posts
yes I want these games to succeed. I want them to succeed because they offer the best possible gaming experience. I want them to be games that offer the best graphics, sound, story, and size. To do that, they need the best hardware, which is undeniably on the PS3. I don't know where you get your information because every interview on every gaming website and magazine quotes Kojima as saying that game is being made especially for the unique and superior capabilities of the PS3. And the guy who said that FF exlcusivity is "under discussion" is also mis-informed. It was a French Sony executive, who is relatively low on the totem pole if you ask me. Also, it was pointed out that his statement was grossly misinterpreted due to the language translation. No one else at Sony or Microsoft has corroborated that story. Also, since Sony has a policy of NOT paying for exlcusives, there is nothing to "discuss". If square intends to release FF13 on the 360, chances are pretty good that someone at Square or Microsoft would have said something by now. I will bet anything. I will stake everything I have on the fact that these two games will NEVER play on the Xbox 360Don't you want these games to succeed?
[QUOTE="freediro"]its sad i have actually reported a couple of employees, to the corporation, who blatantly miss-inform customers and deny them from buying something, i usually step in because the employees from there have nothing to say or prove themselves so most customer realize the employee is being a jacka**. its sad but people cannot overcome the stupidity that lies in their mind.BikerPunki step in as well, when i hear an employee giving a BS story. Most stores i go to arent that bad, but the dudes at BestBuy and Future shop are famous for feeding people Lies. I give a real credit to the EB Games by my place, who have been honest, and told me when a game sucked. They have talked me out of game purchases before.......they probably treat me good cause i am always there picking up a new game/controller/etc. VIP baby. woot. You're lucky that your EB gives you the straight dope on games. That is surprising to me because when i worked a FuncoLand, our DM instituted a policy that we were NOT ALLOWED to give opinions on games. Whenever a customer asked about the quality of a game, we would have to reply that we either had not played it, or that it was "pretty good". Though, to my own credit, I lobbyed hard and finally got the manager to agree to allow me to give unfavorable opinions of SuperMan 64
[QUOTE="The_Rick_14"][QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="Ngon"][QUOTE="coolguy681"]I think I know why? I heard that they are wating until enough people buy the PS3 before they put it out in stores. They are clearly waiting for a good fanbase. Ubisoft wouldnt delay a game 3 times unless it was a good reason. So they are just waiting.Krigon
the one just release was just lame... i think they're tweaking it and waitting for a bigger fan base
as long as it does'nt look like Splinter Cell (in terms of lighting and other graphical misses) when it releases! so have you played SC on PS3? Triend it out abit. I have no idea what Splinter Cell is like on other consoles, but I can attest to the graphical glitches in the PS3 version. I have it, and I'm at the part where you have to place a bomb on the cruise ship in Mexico. Already I've had several instances where Same would just get hung up on NOTHING. I mean I would try to walk, but get stuck like there was a wall there, but there was actually nothing. I've seen several instances of what I call "hiccups" where I will be walking along smoothly then suddenly the animation gets chopped up and suddenly I've "teleported" two steps further. During the prison break mission, I got an objective to hijack the news helicopter. I aimed my gun at it and shot it. Then it disappeared. I don't mean that it fell behind something. I don't mean that it crashed. I mean, I pointed my gun at it, pulled the trigger, then it was just gone. I've also had the game freeze a few times to the point where I had to get up and manully reset the PS3 Ubisoft can take all the time they need with R6 as long as it doesn't come out like Splinter Celli heard there might be some GOW news coming out soon? anyone know whats up?freediro. The April issue of PSM magazine had an interview with the developer. He said that he envisioned GOW as a trilogy but would have to see how well GOW2 sells before he will begin work on the third game.
Where are these GameStops located? I work for GameStop/EB but the ones in my area are objective. I would recommend you to report him. If you want action, take action.darkagent0019Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, NH I'm not going to report him. I think the idea of him getting reamed out the angry parents who all promised little Johnny that he could get Final Fantasy for his Xbox this christmas is punishment enough. Besides, who is to say that the person I report him to will even accept the fact that this guy is lying. I used to work at Funco Land and my manager at the time was always full of crap like that. In retrospect, I think the proper thing to do would be to rush to the counter and ask to reserve a copy of Metal Gear Solid for the 360 and catch him in his own lie.
I disagree with you when you say that "people working at those stores don't know a damn about videogames". The problem is that this guy DOES KNOW. And he chooses to LIE. And FF and MGS will not be multi-platform. Kojima has said MANY times publicly that MGS is made for the PS3. Period. Also, FF is being built from teh ground up for the PS3. I can't imagine Square Enix re-desiging its engine just so that it can port a game to a system that hasn't even sold a million units in Just goes to show you some or most people working at those stores dont know a damn about videogames.
1. Devil May Cry 4: True.
2. FFXIII: Could happen. (keep in mind that exclusivity is nder discussion. So we should know by E3)
3. God of War 3: Are you serious?
4. MGS4: This one could actualy happen people,but not very likely.
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