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gohantech00 Blog

Do You Have Room For Jeff Goldblum?

Alright, now I'm desperate. I posted ALL of those movies on my last blog post, and with all of the so called "friends" on my friend list, I ended up getting 5 comments THAT I POSTED MYSELF in desperation:(. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!??????? Well, I need SOMETHING to spice this post up.

But, I think I have just the thing. In one of the blogs of one of the people on my friend's list, they posted a random video. And, I apoligize to that person, but I'm posting that video here to try to attract people. Hey, I'm desperate:(. So, here it is, a video that I'm sure will either leave you with a puzzled look afterward, or will leave you addicted to watch it over and over again (which is what I did:P )

Hey, whadda ya know? It's Jeff Goldblum!

And just as a little bonus, since I'm just SOOOOOO generous to all of you nonappriciative people, here is a video of a chihuahua........doing something:lol:

This chihuahua is a beast from Hades.

Ok, and, I watched a movie earlier this week. It was another foreign flick, and it is quite underated and unknown to many people, but it was pretty solid. Oh, and it is about child abuse, and reminded me A LOT of the movie This Boy's Life. It is:

El Bola (The Pellet)--8.5/10

And just for some last minute kicks, I will reveal to you some of my most anticipated movies coming up this year. Hope you find my list "interesting."

Black Snake Moan
Shrek the Third
Spiderman 3
Pirates 3
Rush Hour 3

Yeah, I would've wrote a short description about each of the films, as well as posted a pic for each, but the infamous "forbidden>" popped up again when I tried:evil:. God how I hate that thing. Gamespot, fix your damned glitches you piece of **** site!!! It pisses me off........well, with that said, I guess I'll end it here. Until Next Time, LATA!


Dedicated To The Movies

Alright, I guess this blog post is going to be dedicated to all the movies I've watched over the weekend, since nothing much has happened to me. I DID buy Hitman: Blood Money for $9 pre-owned at my video store, but I'm waiting to beat some other games first before I dig in fully into that game. Anyways, without further ado, here's all the movies I watched, and their scores I gave them. Oh, and one of them, I give the rare 10/10 to this weekend, so scroll down to find out;) :

Ghost Rider--7/10

The Departed--8.5/10

Get Real--7.5/10

Half Nelson--10/10

School For Scoundrels--6.5/10

So, bet you were shocked when you found out The Departed wasn't the movie that got the 10/10, weren't ya:P ? Well, that was a great movie, especially the ending, but I'm not really into the crime genre of movies, and I tend to get confused easily when watching those kinds of movies, so that's why I scored it lower than expected. Half Nelson, on the other hand, blew me away. It just felt so realistic, from the cinematography to the superb acting (Ryan Gosling deserves the Academy Award for best actor hands down), it was just an incredible movie IMO. Too bad it was so madly underated last year, but hey, that's what independent movies are about, right? As for the rest of the movies..........meh.

Alright, it's late, so I'm out for now. Until Next Time, LATA!!! Oh, and enjoy your President's Day:D.....

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels--8.5/10

Yeah, another British gangster movie brought to you by director Guy Ritchie. Also, it's another movie with badass Jason Statham8). Unfortunately, he doesn't have as big of a role as he did in Snatch and Crank. But still, even though this movie is not as good as Snatch, it still has a really, REALLY clever plot to it, and it's even hilarious how things end up by the end. Of course, the subtitles had to be on again for me, due to the hard-to-understand British accents. Also, some parts of the plot DID confuse me in the middle, with so much going on all at once, but it did not subtract from the fun that this movie has. Go see it if you haven't already, and you've seen Snatch. Or vice versa.

Yay, another short review for all you people who probably don't even read my blogs. Boy, has it been going to the dogs lately:(......Anyways, FOUR DAY WEEKEND:D. Oh, and I've started to become a Stephen Lynch fan, after my friend at school recommended watching his videos on YouTube. Dude is one of the most hilarious comedians I have ever heard. Go check the guy out. If I can't convince you by just saying, here's a link of my favorite act by him for you lazy asses:

Yo, check out this pimpin link.

Until Next Time, LATA!

Now THIS Is How Valentine's Day SHOULD Be......

Well, so much for using the pics to attract more people in my last post. I FEEL SO UNLOVED!!!!!

(man I love Google:P )
Nah I'm just playin:P. I'm not mad at you people. In fact, I'm actually in a good mood on this Valentine's Day. You know why? Cause I got my first, full-fledged snow day with ACTUAL snow today:D. How sweet is that? So, instead of putting up with all the hugging, kissing, and conversations on how guys and their gals will be spending Valentine's Day, I'll get to play video games all day:D:D. Who cares if I have to shovel snow? 45 minutes of shoveling snow beats the hell out of going to school for 7 hours.

Alright, I'm going to keep this short and sweet, so Until Next Time, LATA!

The Meaning of Lata

Hey, another level I've gained. Shibby8). So, another weekend is almost passed. Yay. And did I do anything interesting this weekend? No:|. Same ol' ish. I'm getting sick of it. It seems like I've been to that video store with my dad SO MANY times that I just don't CARE what movies he gets anymore. And then what happens when we get back to the trailer? We watch 1 of those movies, he goes home, I fold clothes, and I surf the internet for the rest of the night. See, you've all got it good in life. I read a LOT of people's blogs on this site, and it seems that everyone has an interesting lifestyle. *sigh* I just don't know what to do. Screw it, let me just get on with my usual ramble.

Yesturday I finally bought my first Wii Points card at Meijer. Heh, and wouldn't you know it, that it was the very last one they had. Lucky me:D.................:| not really. Anyways, I bought it to download The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. Now, I've played it before, and I only beat it probably halfway, but that was probably 3 years ago, so since Twilight Princess left me wanting a little more, I bought it for 800 Wii Points. It's pretty awesome, and it plays surprisingly well with a Gamecube controller.

So, I watched a couple movies this weekend. Here they are:

Farce of the Penguins--7/10 (I don't know why people think this movie is so bad. I laughed a few times:?.......)

Flags of Our Fathers--8/10

Well, this should be an interesting week. Valentine's Day is approaching on Wednesday, which I am SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!! I'M PISSING MYSELF IN EXCITEMENT!!!!!

Ummmm, yeah. But, I also get a 4 day weekend next weekend, which is pretty sweet. Hopefully I get out and actually DO something.....So, Until Next Time......

(If you look closely, you'll find the word Lata in the picture above. Use you're eyes closely you dimwit......)

BTW, why do a lot of pictures of gypsy Indian women (like the one above) appear when you search Lata in Google? Anyone mind elaborating? ANYONE???!!!

Is Final Fantasy XII ACTUALLY A Disappointing Mess of a Game, Unlike Zelda?

:|. Wow. What little feedback I got on my last post. Was it the ugly movie cover of The Miracle Worker that I put up? Was it the fact that I even MENTIONED The Miracle Worker? Hell, was it the fact that I even mentioned a movie at all? Well, fortunately for you folks, no movies today. In fact, to spice up the blog a bit, I guess I'll post a pic:

Yeah. Lawn chairs FTW. So, if that got your attention, let me tell you about my week so far. Well, on Tuesday, as luck would have it, I actually got another day off. And the completely strange thing is, my Superbowl weekend completely parallels my Superbowl weekend of last year, in which I also got two snow days after Superbowl Sunday. How much of a coincidence is that:shock: ? It's wild I tell ya.........So anyways, all I basically did was play Final Fantasy XII all day that day, which is NOT a disappointing mess of a game like it says in the title (which I put to attract more angry mobs of people to post comments:P.). Heh, me and my evil ways:twisted:...........

Edit (if it will let me): Holy ****. Is it true? Is Anna Nicole Smith actually dead?

Wowzers:(. Most bizarre celebrity death since Steve Irwin:?. Well, R.I.P. Miss Smith....

Well, since it keeps messing up on me:evil:, I guess I'll end this sucker right here. Until Next Time, LATA!

Stupid Bastards Who Don't Give A **** About My Life........

:lol: Caught you off guard with that title, didn't I? BUT IT'S TRUE!!!!! LOOK HOW MANY COMMENTS I GOT ON MY LAST POST:cry:!!!!! Nah, just pulling your leg:P. I'm bad like that sometimes........But anyways, I usually don't post another blog entry until like 2 days afterward, but today had been extra interesting. Here's the full details.

First of all, I actually got the day off:D. Yeah, you've probably heard all the hooplah from all of the "SNOW DAY FTW!!!!!" threads in OT, but I was one of those people. But, interestingly enough, it wasn't snow that caused it. It was the icy cold temperatures. They must've gotten down to about -6 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind chill down to a whopping -25 degrees:shock:. Yeah, one of the coldest days I've probably EVER experienced. I pretty much needed this day off, though, since my cold was still intact and the water in our trailer was still frozen. So, I pretty much **** myself in excitement when I saw my school at the bottom of that screen when watching ABC12 news. Heh, you wanna know the funny thing? Last year, I also got a day off the day after the Superbowl. Weird..........

Now, about the water problems. It took all day, but it's finally back, and hopefully will STAY with us. But it was a LOOONG journey, though. The biggest problem that me and my family had was going to the bathroom, whether it was number #1 or number #2. So, when we actually DID relieve ourselves, I was given the job of gathering buckets of snow from outside, putting it in pots on the stove, melting the snow, and pouring the pots into the toilets to flush it down. But after we all didn't feel the need to go to the bathroom for a while anymore, I was told to stop, so I happily did. Meanwhile, my mom FINALLY called this guy that is basically the "trailer park handyman" and he came over to help us with our problem. Well, turns out this dude already helped 6 people over the weekend with the same problem, so he was a big help. Plus, he was a really nice guy. As I sit here typing this, I can hear my mom raving about this guy to her friend in the living room, because he's so good. But yeah, he was basically teh savior of our waterzzzzz:). And things are FINALLY back to the way they were. *sigh* Now I just need my car jump started due to the subzero temperatures:?........

That's about the midst of my day right there. Wasted, I know, but I'm glad I didn't have school as all of these problems took place. Hell, who knows? Since the temps and wind chills are supposed to be just as cold tomorrow, maybe I might have another day off? I know, sounds like I'm pushing it, but hey, you never know;)..........

To conclude this, I have another movie rating for you. This one my mom wanted from Netflix, and it was an old movie from the 60's, but it was good. And I think I remember seeing some of it from the 3rd grade, too:lol:. It was:

The Miracle Worker--8/10

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to flush my toilet a few times just for the hell of it8). Until Next Time, LATA!!!!!

Subzero Temperatures+Water Pipes=A Ruined Weekend

Well, this certainly was a pleasant weekend:roll:. So much for liking winter and hoping for snow days. Little did I realize was that along with snow, freezing temperatures exist with that snow. And the temperatures didn't just get cold, oh no. They got to subzero levels. Yesturday was a typical weekend day, but today was the crappiest day I've had this year. When the temperatures got down to subzero levels last night, it froze the ****in water pipes. So, we have no water. What's worse, we must be the only ones in the trailer park with this problem, since we found out the old man across the street still had HIS water this morning:|. Ohhhhhh 2006 is existing all over again for me.........

So, since I can't use the bathroom or anything without using jugs of water or buckets of snow outside, the first thing that we did this morning was go to this restaurant we go to all the time for breakfast. Then it was off to my dad's hotel room to take showers and get ourselves cleaned up. And since school (:roll: ) is tomorrow, me and my dad went to the laundremat to wash clothes since I couldn't at home. Boy THAT was fun:evil:. My mom, meanwhile, went to TSC with a friend of hers that's living with us right now to buy this heater thing that takes kerosine and basically sends out a stream of heat outside and under the trailer to heat the pipes. Heh, the funny thing was, their situation was similar to my Nintendo Wii situation, in which they got the very last one:lol:. But anyways, we STILL have no water at the moment, and we've tried all that we could, so tomorrow morning I'm pretty much screwed:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D..............ok, that was teh sarcasm to teh max. It would be sweet if I somehow had a snow day tomorrow, but I doubt it. So, I'm sure I'm going to have to suffer without water tomorrow morning. Yippie for my life:|.

Yesturday, on the other hand, was just a regular ol' weekend day for me. I watched two underated movies that came out over the past two years, including the first full-fledged western I've ever fully watched. They are:


The Proposition--9/10

Until Next Time, keep warm:?

Maybe My Shortest Post In A LONG Time??!!!!

Yeah, pretty much nothing going on here. Same ol, same ol. The only thing that's happened was I watched another movie on Monday night, which I am pretty much dedicating this blog post to since I have nothing else to write about. So, without further ado, here is my first short review I've done since last spring:

The Protector

Ahhhhh, martial arts movies. Some of the most action packed movies on the planet. Luckily, I was able to watch one of the newest ones that just came out on DVD, The Protector. And of course, it is far from being perfect. Since I basically suck at explaining plot summaries, I will just let you guys spoil yourselves by finding it out yourselves somehow. But trust me, the plot is very mediocre. It was basically just a typical kidnapping/revenge story, which you could care less about. But, surprisingly, the movie is really good, but for a different reason: the martial arts. The fighting and action in this movie is absolutely mindblowing. Almost all of the movie is action, but not quite nonstop like Crank was. Sure you have some little breaks here and there for the story, but barely. And since the movie is only about 75 minutes not counting the credits, it is nice and short, so no need to worry about a long, dragging story. Overall, if you are big fan of kung-fu movies full of environment-using action sequences and bone breaking action, this is for you. A great action movie, but not as good as Crank or Fearless IMO. This movie gets a solid 8/10.

There you have it. Until Next Time, LATA!

Gotta Get That Paper, That Green Stuff, That.........Oh, You Know.....

Jesus Christ this is getting old. This weekend was once again, another repetitive, dreary waste of time. All it basically consisted of was watching movies, running around town with good ol' pop, and getting some more job applications. Yes, I have heard nothing back on that Mancino's job, so there goes my luck there:roll:. But anyways, I picked up an application at the video store my dad goes to, Mammouth Video. Even though they weren't hiring, I still wanted one. Then I went to Blockbuster to see if they were hiring, and luckily, they were. But I had to go online and fill out an electronic application..........which took longer and asked more questions than it should've:|. So, I am hoping for something. With all of these cool games coming out this year on the Nintendo DS and Wii, I gotta have some cash. Plus, all those Wii accessories I'm passing up all the time in the store needs to be bought. So yeah, gotta get some paper;)..........

We've been getting a lot more snow than we usually do this past few days. But I gotta tell ya, I officially declare my school THE dumbest school ever. Here's why. So, during school, it started snowing heavily, and everybody, I mean EVERYBODY, was expecting someone to say over the intercom that school was going to be cancelled for the rest of the day. It didn't happen:|. Not only did I have a lot more homework than I should've, I also almost got into a wreck turning into the trailer park. Plus, I heard from my mom that schools in all of the surrounding towns got out of school early. F**king school:evil:. Today we got an accumulation of snow, about a few inches, but 9 times out of 10 I am going to school tomorrow anyways:|.

Lastly, I watched a sh*tload of movies this weekend. Well, I got a couple of horror ones I've been wanting to see, which were Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, and Saw III, which my dad bought for me at the store:D. Also watched a couple others. Here are the scores:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning--7.5/10

Saw 3--8.5/10


The Illusionist--7/10 (can't stand movies that take place during the early 20th century, maybe even earlier)

There you have it. I've done all my whining for this past week. Now let's see what the future has in store for me. Until Next Time, LATA!