Do You Have Room For Jeff Goldblum?
by gohantech00 on Comments
But, I think I have just the thing. In one of the blogs of one of the people on my friend's list, they posted a random video. And, I apoligize to that person, but I'm posting that video here to try to attract people. Hey, I'm desperate:(. So, here it is, a video that I'm sure will either leave you with a puzzled look afterward, or will leave you addicted to watch it over and over again (which is what I did:P )
Hey, whadda ya know? It's Jeff Goldblum!
And just as a little bonus, since I'm just SOOOOOO generous to all of you nonappriciative people, here is a video of a chihuahua........doing something:lol:
This chihuahua is a beast from Hades.
Ok, and, I watched a movie earlier this week. It was another foreign flick, and it is quite underated and unknown to many people, but it was pretty solid. Oh, and it is about child abuse, and reminded me A LOT of the movie This Boy's Life. It is:
El Bola (The Pellet)--8.5/10
And just for some last minute kicks, I will reveal to you some of my most anticipated movies coming up this year. Hope you find my list "interesting."
Black Snake Moan
Shrek the Third
Spiderman 3
Pirates 3
Rush Hour 3
Yeah, I would've wrote a short description about each of the films, as well as posted a pic for each, but the infamous "forbidden>" popped up again when I tried:evil:. God how I hate that thing. Gamespot, fix your damned glitches you piece of **** site!!! It pisses me off........well, with that said, I guess I'll end it here. Until Next Time, LATA!
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