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I Want To Make Babies With Jack Thompson, Since He Is Teh 1337

:| Friggin peer pressure. "Make a controversal title about Jack Thompson to get people to come look at your blog," says the people that post comments. Well, you guys finally did it. And no I really don't want to make babies with him. I'm not gay (not using that as a derogatory word either)............well, I might with Jeff Goldblum, though:P . Ok, just joking.

Now that I got your undivided attention, it's time to score some movies. I don't feel like reviewing this week, so boo-hoo to those that want a full review. Here they are:

Blood Diamond--9/10

Paris, Texas--7/10

Batteries Not Included--6/10 (My mom made me watch it with her:| )

So, what's up with my life besides winning that art competition? Well, nothing much. As Spring Break is approaching, the weather is sky-rocketing into the 70s. Goodbye winter weather......maybe. You never know when snow could hit again. It's happened many times before. Also, school has been going surprisingly well this week, except for one cl@$$: Chemistry. First of all, the teacher is becoming a homework feeding, note giving Nazi Second of all, the homework she DOES give us is stuff we barely learned about in the notes. Third, taking notes and listening to the teacher talk to explain things in our notes at the same time is hard (unlike in history when the teacher talks, then gives us a note to take, talk, note, talk, note, and so on). Fourth, I'm doing miserable on my quizzes, getting 70% on all of them while everyone else gets 80s or above. I seriously feel like I'm trying to fail on purpose for some reason:|. Finally, that's the only cl@$$ I have a B in, so I'm not too happy about that:(. Oh, and we have a test later this week. Shibby. But other than that, it's all good in school.

Also, I'm trying to work on completing some games. It's been weeks since I've played Final Fantasy XII, though, so I hope I don't start forgetting about it (like I did with Dark Cloud 2 and Dragon Quest VIII :? ). But before I get back into some major games, I'm trying to complete Cold Fear, a game I bought all the way back last August on my birthday. I do admit, it gets more suspenseful and fun as you get farther in the game, and you start to adapt to the clunky controls soon enough. But the glitches and bugs are just pathetic. This must be one of the glitchiest games I have ever played on the PS2. Other than that, I've also been getting my workout on with Wii Sports, mostly exercising with the Boxing everyday. I like to train with the punching bag game mostly, since it gives me the most exercise. Oh, BTW, I have a gold star on it, with my record being 38 punching bags knocked down. And my skill level for the actual boxing game is around 1100, so I've gotten to pro. As far as the gaming front is concerned, maybe I can get lots of playtime over Spring Break......

Speaking of Spring Break, THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES...............................ok, the countdown please? Sheesh:

Days Until Spring Break--4

And just for kicks, here's a picture of John Malkovich:

:shock: What a weird looking man.....

Until Next Time, LATA!

I'm Taking The Art World By Storm, BEOTCHES!!!!!!

Man, I'm just delivering with all the bloggage this week, aren't I:P ? This must be my 3rd one. But man, I gotta tell ya, this week has been semi-action-packed. Hell, this MONTH has been action-packed. So much happening. Alright, might as well tell you what's been on the DL for the past couple days.

Yesturday, on her way home from work, my mom got a phone call from my art teacher. I friggin won the art competition I entered my stippile in:D. I FRIGGIN WON!!!!!!! Well, I got one of the top 18 honors in the state, but my teacher strictly said on that message that I WON. CHIYAH!!!!! I thought that drawing was great, but I didn't think it would go on like this. Damn:D.

Along with that, my teacher also said on the message that the local newspaper editor wanted to interview me before 1:00 PM the next day, and she left the phone number for me to call him. Uh, okay:?. So, how the hell did I call the guy before 1:00 if I had school today, you ask? Well, I figured since my own art teacher called about it, and since she would probably be nice enough, I could just wait until art cl@$$ today, since last night, by the time my mom got home, the newspaper offices closed. So, I get to art cl@$$, and OF ALL DAYS, a ****in substitute was there:|.......:evil:. I was PISSED. I felt screwed. But where there's a will, by God there is a way. I just waited until lunchtime, which was at 11:45. I just went to the office to ask if I could use my phone in there, and after nicely granting me access, I called the editor. He interviewed me a little bit, and then said a photographer was coming out later on to photograph my sexiness8)...........:| Sorry. That was unnecessary. But anyways, being the stupid person I was, when he arrived at my house just moments ago, I didn't think about bringing any artwork of mine that I STILL HAD to have in the photograph with me from school, so he just said he'd be back on Monday. Way to friggin go Colonel Pork:|. But still, I'm going to be in a ***in newspaper, so GO ME:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and to get in the way of all my glory today was, of course, school. I had a quiz in Chemistry that I KNOW I did bad on, so my grade will probably remain a stupid B. In Spanish, we also had a substitute, which meant plenty of worksheets, so plah to that. Homework in Pre-Calc and a paper to write in English. And a friggin hard test in AP History, which will probably also drop my grade. YIPPIE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!

On the movie front, I watched one movie I mentioned before. It is:

The Big Lebowski

Yay, another Coen Brothers film. Well, actually, I don't really know what to think about them. Fargo never impressed me much when I viewed it for the first time. So, how did The Big Lebowski stack up? Well, IMO it was better than Fargo, but still, it didn't impress me as much as I wanted it to. Well, I do admit, the cast was pretty good. You've got names like the ones on the pic above, along with appearances from Philip Seymour Hoffman (of course, since the dude is in almost EVERY movie), Sam Elliott, and *gasp* Tara Reid! I was expecting more screen time for Steve Buscemi and John Turturro, though. As far as the story, it just seemed a little ridiculous and all over the place IMO. Basically, it's about this guy everyone calls "The Dude," but his real name is Jeffrey Lebowski. One day, after coming home from buying some milk at the store, there were a couple thugs ready to beat him down because his "wife" owed them money, but it was the wrong Lebowski. So, when one of them pisses on The Dude's rug, The Dude sets out on a quest to get things straight. The humor was alright, though, especially when Goodman's character keeps telling Buscemi's character to "SHUT THE **** UP, DONNIE!!!!" everytime he talks. I lol'd a lot at those parts. Speaking of John Goodman, he had the best part IMO. And he was sort of a.........badass. Well, unfortunately, I couldn't finish the movie, since the disk started messing up in my piece of crap DVD player, and then wouldn't play on my computer, so I couldn't get to the exact end. Oh well. Judging from all that I saw, I rate this Big Lebowski an 8/10.

Days Until Spring Break--8

Have a great weekend peeps:D. Until Next Time, LATA! 

A Jeff Goldblum Takeover!!!!!!!!!


OH NOES!!!!!

Teh help!!!!


Sorry about the random outburst of Jeff Goldblum pics. Thanks to Kravyn, ever since he posted that random video in his blog a while ago, I'm now obsessed with the dude:P. At school, I now kid around with my friends in English cl@$$ about him and stuff. I even used his name to name a dog in a paper I wrote in that cl@$$ :lol:. Thank you Kravyn. You have just redefined what it means to me to be random by posting that stupid video in your blog. Hope your happy:P......

Randomness aside (or is it?), looks like I became a Radiant Silvergun today. Yay for me:D. Maybe I can get to level 30 by the end of April or something. That would be amazing...

Since I have no stinky movie reviews this time around (got The Big Lebowski sitting around, though;) ), I am going to give you guys a more detailed, more organized list of my top 10 most anticipated movies of 2007. Sit back, and enjoy:D......

10.) The Lookout

Ever since watching Mysterious Skin, I have gained a new respect for Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a great actor. And sure critics praised Brick, and I really wanted to like it, but it was just too confusing for me. Also, this movie has another actor I'm starting to respect, Jeff Daniels. And he's playing a blind man:shock:. Could this movie be major pwnage?

9.) Reign Over Me

Wow! Adam Sandler in another serious role??!! Although I haven't seen it yet, Punch Drunk Love got lots of praise, and seems to be Sandler's best role. Could his acting skills in this movie surpass those in Punch Drunk Love? Oh, and it's got Don Cheadle in it. Sounds like a potential winner to me......

8.) American Gangster

Yeah, I know what you guys are thinking. "Lots of rap stars in this movie = total garbage," right? Yeah, that could've been the case..........if Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington weren't in it. And as an added bonus, Cuba Gooding Jr. is also in it. Now let's face it, Gooding Jr. has been flopping the past few years. But I think he can get his ish together if he's alongside Crowe and Washington, don't you?

7.) Vantage Point

I love movies in which it shows multiple points of view with different characters. I still need to view Rashomon, though, which I am surprised I haven't viewed yet. But with a decent cast, and an interesting plot, I think this one could be interesting to see when it comes out later in the year.

6.) Trick r' Treat

Sure, the name of this movie sounds like a terrible, cliched family movie. It also sounds unoriginal. But if you read the plot outline, you'll see why I'm hyped for this movie. I absolutely LOVE movies that have a Crash-like premise to it. Hey, as long as these kinds of movies remain effective, I'll keep watching them. Plus, what I find fascinating is that all of this revolves around Halloween, so that COULD give Saw IV a run for its money;)........

5.) Are We Done Yet?

Ha, gotcha:lol:

The REAL 5.) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End

Two words: new trailer. Find the trailer, and you'll see why this one made my top 5. The last movie was surprisingly good IMO, and I was probably one of the few people that found it more enjoyable than the first. But I think the conclusion to the saga is going to give the first two a run for their money, judging from the trailer. There is just so much going on, it's CRAZY:D !!!!!

4.) Spiderman 3

Of course, Spiderman 3 had to make my list:D. It's only one of the biggest movie events of this year. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the comics, but the first two movies were just incredible, and made me a minor Spidey fan. And just like with Pirates 3, it looks like Spiderman 3 is going to be one helluva movie. Oh, and how many villians are there? About 3? That's a lot of carnage8).....

3.) Rush Hour 3

Damn, there are just so many damn "3's" coming out this year, isn't there? It's a good way:). Rush Hour 2 is one of my favorite comedies ever, so ever since Chris Tucker yelled the words "DAMN!!!!! He ain't going to be in Rush Hour 3" in the bloopers, I've been anticipating for a sequal for so long. And finally, it's happening this year:D. SHIBBY!!!! And is that Vinnie Jones I see listed in the credits? OMG!!!!!!!

2.) Grindhouse

Two respected directors. One original movie. Seriously, this movie is oozing with originality. From the fake movie trailers between the two full-length films, to a chick with a machine gun for a leg, the word "Wow..." will HAVE to be blurted out of your mouth in SOME way. Also, it has a great cast, whether they be in the actual movies or just in the fake trailers. I just hope friggin Fergie doesn't screw up the movie (since she is part of the cast:| ). But I doubt it....

1.) Shrek the Third

Surprised:P ? Meh, you may or may not be. But hey, what can I say? I LOVE Shrek. The Shrek movies will always remain as my favorite animated movie trilogy ever. The first one is a cl@$$ic, no matter whos says it isn't. Face it, it is a CL@$$IC. And the second one is still miles better than most animated movies that come out today, so that ain't nothing to sneeze at. I have faith that the third one will be just as good, even though Justin Timberlake is doing one of the voices.

So, that concludes my 1337 list. Pretty amazing year for movies, eh? And to think that there are many more highly anticipated sequals and original movies coming out this year. I think this could be one of the biggest years of movies yet in the new millinium. Ok, let me wrap this up with my Spring Break countdown:

Days Until Spring Break--10

Until Next Time, LATA!


From Vietnam to Russian Roulette

Holy ish:shock:. They really changed the interface of creating blog posts, didn't they? It's all fancy schmancy now. Damn......this is going to take some getting used to:P.

So, I apoligize for being a prick on my last blog and complaining about nobody commenting on my blogs. I feel like I show my ass when I do that, and I should just get over it. If they're boring, they're boring. No arguing there. So, if I just start complaining again, flame me or something:P. It'll get myself into gear.

Well, looks like I'm 1 FRIGGIN % from level 28, which sucks. I want to be there already:cry:. In fact, I just want to be at level 30 for Christ sakes. It's taking forever:evil:. But until then, I have one movie review for you guys. For all you movie buffs out there, you may know what it was judging from the title;). But for those out there that need some hints, here's the movie:

The Deer Hunter

DeNiro. Walken. ROAR! Heh, just playin. But yeah, two great actors means one explosive and powerful film, am I correct? Meh, pretty much. This movie is basically about a group of buddies (including Walken and DeNiro) that go into Vietnam, and how they handle their lives after the war. Oh, and there is a LOT of Russian Roulette played in this movie, which made this your distinct Vietnam war film. The movie clocks in at a large 3 hours, which could've been shorter due to one, tedious factor: the beginning. Be warned, the first 40 minutes or so of this film are SLOW. I realize that it was for character development, but Jesus Christ, they could've shortened it at least 15 minutes. But after that, the film basically kicks off into high gear. There's great acting all around, with Walken, IMO, delivering better acting than DeNiro this time around. Also, like I said, the subject matter in this movie is interesting for a Vietnam movie. All in all, not a bad movie, but thanks to the boring start, it's definately not the best in the west. I score it an 8/10.

So, like with Christmas break, I guess I'll start a countdown of Spring Break, since it's creepin around the corner:D :

Days Remaining--11

Until Next Time, LATA!!!! 

More Movie Reviews = No Comments

Meh, figures. I barely get any comments anymore, but oh well. I'm just going to continue giving movie reviews, since they're SO much fun and that's ALL I ever do:|. So, take em or leave em. I've got two for ya again, and then there's another movie that just deserves a score and that's it. Let's get it started:

The Station Agent
This has to be one of the most underrated films of all time. I have NEVER heard any major discussion on this film, whether it be in real life or on a forum here on Gamespot. Let me tell you why it's a gem. First of all, it's a mellow movie without heart-stopping action, jump-out-your-seat-horror, chilling thrills, and 300-type epic carnage, which is nice for a change. Everyone needs to take a break and watch a calm movie every once in a while. Second, it feels like you're there with the characters, since there is some magnificent acting and superb character development. You feel like you're their friend, and you care for them. And last, the environment is just amazing. Not the prettiest settings in a movie, but it just feels so laid back looking at it all. There are some cliches in this movie, but that doesn't really detract from the value of the movie. In fact, you probably won't even pay attention to any of the cliches since you'll be enjoying the movie so much. Also, it's a little on the short side, clocking in at less then 90 minutes, so you'll be wishing there was more. Overall, if you ever see this at the video store, or at a cheap price at a regular store (even at full price it's still a good deal), pick it up and watch some movie magic. Seriously, we need more movies like this. It gets a 9.5/10.

25th Hour
Ah yes, an Edward Norton movie. One of my favorite modern day actors. After viewing American History X, I wanted to see more of this guy. That's why I have been anticipating to see 25th Hour, which you could also call underrated. This movie has a pretty top notch cast of actors, which include Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Rosario Dawson, Brian Cox, and others. Hoffman plays yet another role as a nerdy pervert, just like in Happiness but not as desperate, since he's a teacher in this movie, while Pepper plays a hotshot that has a job in the stock market, both friends of Norton's character. And you know what? IMO, they gave better performances than Norton did. Norton was also great in this movie, but it wasn't as great as in American History X. The rest give good performances as well, but these three just stand out the most. The plot was alright, but nothing absolutely amazing. There's some dark humor in places, like some of the conversations between Pepper and Hoffman, so that adds a touch to the movie. There's nothing absolutely shocking in the movie, besides one particular scene close to the end, so don't expect any big surprises. If you are a big Edward Norton fan, or a fan of any of the supporting actors, it won't disappoint. It gets a solid 8.5/10.

Fast Food Nation--7/10

Guess I'm done now. Nothing else to say. Once again, appriciate those that read this blog..........which is probably only brandyinindiana anymore:roll:. But it's all good. I'm treating this as basically a journal anyways, which I can look back to in the future to see how much has changed and all that. So, Until Next Time, LATA!

Colonel Pork's Michigan Merit Exam (MME) Adventures (updated w/ Pt. 3)

In other words, this post could get long, so grab some popcorn, a supply of (root) beer, and strap yourself in. This could be awhile.........

Pt. 1: The ACT
After a pathetic, typical Monday at school, I was hyped for all of this test taking action that was going to take place this week. I mean, it makes this week seem "distinct" for once. So, anyways, I arrive at school like usual, but it felt empty. No 8th graders. No freshmen. No sophimores. And most of all, no seniors8). But, there were teachers swarming the halls, making sure every student that arrived at that school got directed to the cafeteria until 7:30. So, the guy that I talk to in English about movies all the time found me, and we basically gabbed about the movie 300 the whole time. Then, it was time to be transported to our assigned cl@$$rooms. The school officials that were in my cl@$$ seemed cool and nice. I didn't know any of the students in there, and I would be spending the next three days with these same group of kids, but I wasn't there to make friends. I was ready for the first part of the 3-day testing schedule: The ACT.

The first part was English, and it seemed easy enough. Basically it just gave stories with certain phrases underlined, and you had to pick out from 5 choices which would replace it the best, or say "NO CHANGE." No trouble at all. Afterward came mathmatics. I pretty much guessed through half the questions, but since it doesn't count against you when you guess, I guess it was all right. But that was just the beginning.

After a 15 minute break in which I met up with some of my female-gendered friends (and not to mention, you could see the students from the other school in town seperated from us at the other end of the hallway), it was back to the cl@$$room. Next up: Reading. It was brutal. The passages were tedious, and the questions were brutal. And since there was a limited amount of time, I guessed on a majority of them. Then came science.....but it was actually reading again with graphs put in. That was the most brutal part of the whole ACT. But thanks to my recent viewing of An Inconvenient Truth, there was one passage that seemed similar to some of the stuff in that brilliant documentary, so that was the only part I put effort into. And finally, there was a proposterous essay that asked "Should extracurricular activities offer credits?" Yeah, complete BS. But, at 12:30, it was finally time to go home, and after bidding some of my fellow schoolmates farewell and good luck on the test the next day, it was off to home.

I am very impressed if you decided to read through all that:P. Here's a random video to give you guys to take a break before moving on. BUT OH NOES!!!! HERE COMES MORE!!!! So get your 2nd can of (root) beer ready and pop another bag of popcorn.......

Pt. 2: A Different School=A Different World
I was quite nervous when I woke up Tuesday morning. The primary reason was that I was going to take the Work Keys section of the MME at the other high school in town, a school I've only been to once in 4th grade (that's a different story;) ). The fact was, I wasn't sure how to handle arriving there and parking and other small things like that. So, I drove there, and I guess I ended up in the "teacher's parking lot," since all I saw was teachers. So I drove to the other parking lot, which was probably the student's parking lot. After finally parking, I waited to see if I could recognize any vehicles that go to my school (I'm just going to call my school "East" and the other school "West" from now on, since that's what they are). But that was basically unsuccessful, since it was hard to tell in the dark. So I called a buddy of mine whom I had saved on my cell phone, and asked him if I was doing right driving to West like I did, and he said yes. So I waited a little while longer, and finally, someone I knew parked next to me. We then headed into the high school............

Well, lots of changes. The lockers were completely different. There were indoor windows. The layout was different. The school even had friggin courtyards! So, after walking around a little bit, I saw some West kids. *gasp* We weren't seperated like at East! OMG! It was freaky seeing people I haven't seen in years, and how much they've changed (most of em turning into emos or goths:P), but I didn't talk to any of them. They probably wouldn't even remember who I was anyways. Then, I saw my lady-friend who I took to see Pirates 2 in the summer:D. YAY! Since all we do is basically talk online and I barely see her, it was a pleasant surprise. Heh, the people she hangs out with......I won't even describe. But anyways, we reminesced a little bit, and hung out, before it was time to head to the cl@$$rooms to take the test.

By this time, I was so bewildered to the changes that I didn't even care about the damn test. It was just so DISTINCT from my school. But when we got our tests, it was nice. Not only were there less questions on each section than yesturday's ACT, but everything was so easy! Only the last few questions of the first section I really had trouble on, but that was it! It was such an easy test! HOORAH! And best of all, it was brief, lasting up till 10:30.

Now that that was taken care of, my mission was to find some friends and discuss the test and maybe other things, since I just had a sudden "sociable" feeling for once:P. But guess who appeared? It was my West friend again! So, basically, she had to call her sister to get a ride home, so I basically lead the way to my car through the chaos in the hallways (and witnessing this devil of a woman yelling at the East kids to "GET OUT!" for some reason:lol: ). Got outside, let her use my phone, and we hung out some more. I even found my lady-friends from East and introduced them to my West friend. It was incredible, being so social like that:D. Finally, her sister arrived to take her home, and with all things accomplished for the day, it was time to head home myself.

Whether You Like It Or Not...Pt. 3: The Final Day
Well, today was the final day of testing. Nothing much to this day, though. It was basically a rinse and repeat operation of yesturday, with a few teeth to floss for a change as well. Unlike yesturday, it wasn't a problem getting to the West high school, since I basically knew what to do. So, I went in the school, and I chilled with some buddies of mine. Hell, I even seen a couple people I knew back in 7th grade that I haven't seen in 3 years. I love it when that happens:). And yes, I chilled with my ladyfriend again before it was time to hit the cl@$$room for the final parts of the MME.

Today it was science and social studies. Luckily, the science part was ACTUALLY science questions, unlike the science on the ACT where we had to answer questions from a passage. I still guessed on a lot of questions, but oh well. The social studies was split into two parts, and had an essay for each:|. Like the science, I basically guessed a lot. Oh, and the essays were proposterous, but I answered them to the fullest of my ability.

Finally, it was all over. Since we all got done early, our cl@$$room was the first to be dismissed. Unfortunately, we had to leave immediately, and since none of the other cl@$$es dismissed yet, I couldn't do any last minute hanging around like yesturday:(. So, I just went home. Yup, things are back to normal now. Gotta go back to the East high school tomorrow and get back to the tedious, repetitive school days once again.............until Spring Break in 2 weeks8).

Director's Cut: Movie Scores + Review
Yeah, in between all of this hooplah, I did watch some more movies this week. I even went to the video store by myself without my dad to rent two more movies on Tuesday afternoon. Well, I've got 2 movie reviews this time, because these two movies were just so good. Here is the first one:

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan(best movie title eva8) )
Welp, so much for Clerks 2 being the funniest movie of last year. This movie surpasses that all right. This may very well be the most profound and offensive comedy ever made. But it is also one of the funniest movies ever made. Now, you've got your gay black, women, redneck, Jewish, and foreign jokes in this movie, so there is quite a variety of offensive humor in this movie. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT racist or prejudice against other cultures or races (remember, I KNOW some gay people). But this movie just had me in laughs the entire time. The infamous "naked" scene had me in tears, gasping for every breath I could get. That was the funniest thing I've seen on film since I seen the "Old Man Balls" sketch in Jackass #2. Yeah, it shows male frontal nudity, but what do I care? I see it in pron anyways, so it's no big deal:lol:. All in all, just a fantastic comedy. A 10/10.

Harsh Times
Talk about one of the most underrated movies of last year. I don't even remember anyone talk about it ONCE on the Off-Topic board in the forums on this site. Now, people have been comparing this movie to Training Day, and trust me, this movie is quite similar in some ways. It also ishes all over Training Day and lights it on fire:D. Christian Bale gave more of a powerful performance than Denzel Washington did IMO. The dude was a BEAST in this movie. Also, Freddy Rodriguez gave a convincing performance as well, playing to role similar to Ethan Hawke's in Training Day. I'm not going to spoil anything, but this was probably one of the best drama/thrillers of last year, yet it was horribly underappriciated. GO SEE THIS MOVIE! It will NOT disappoint. A 9/10.

Finally, I watched another movie earlier this week, but I won't review it. It was:

Maria Full of Grace--8.5/10 (ugh, there is a disgusting situation in this movie, so be warned, for it could make a person gag..)

I really appriciate the people who read this, though:). It means a lot to me that people read my blogs. Believe me, it means a LOT. Alright, with that said, I'm out. Until Next Time, LATA!

Finally!!!! BABEL!!!!!!

Took long enough. Once again, this past weekend, the video store was STILL out of copies of my most anticipated movie on DVD, Babel. Yeah, I was pretty angry. So, what did I do, you ask? Well, since I had sent a movie away from Netflix the previous day I went to the video store, I quickly put Babel as the #1 spot on our queue. Sure enough, it arrived today, and I got to watch it finally:D. Since I've been waiting so long for it, I guess I'll even write a short review for it instead of just scoring it. So, without further ado, here it is:

I gotta tell ya, I think Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is becoming one of my favorite directors. After seeing 21 Grams (which I need to view again since I didn't really give it much of a chance, back when I viewed it as a movie n00b :P ) and the spectacular Amores Perros, I was looking forward to this movie so much. And, if you are a fan of his non-linear movies like those, this one definately doesn't disappoint. Unfortunately, there wasn't much shock value or big plot twists like there were in his previous two movies. But IMO, who cares? The brilliancy of linking 4 stories, each taking place in spread out countries around the world, is good enough. It was just awesome seeing so much diversity in this movie. One minute you'd be used to the Japanese world, and the next minute, the movie switches up to the story in Mexico. This movie is a perfect example of showing just how different the world is. As far as the acting went, everybody was excellent, but I was hoping for a little more Gael Garcia Bernal in it, since he's become one of my favorite foreign actors. Overall, a great movie, and one of the best of 2006. It gets a 9/10.

Thought that was it? Well, I DID watch more movies this weekend, so this post isn't over yet:P. Fortunately for you, they won't get special reviews like Babel did. In fact, two of these movies my mom picked out, I didn't even watch fully, but I did watch enough of each of them to be judged. In fact, they are both part of a 2 movie series (so far). Oh, and there is that underated Will Ferrell comedy/drama of last year. Here's the movies:

If These Walls Could Talk--8/10 (a shocking performance by Matthew Lillard at the know, the dude who played Shaggy in the crappy Scooby Doo movie. Jeeze people, get your movies straight:roll: )

If These Walls Could Talk 2--7.5/10

Stranger Than Fiction--8.5/10

That's enough for now. Until Next Time, LATA!

Pt. 2 of "Don't, Push, Me, Cause, I'm, Close, To, The, Eeeeeeedge"

Ok, for those who havent, read my previous blog post. I wrote a bunch of other crap, but stupid GS cut me off with their "forbidden" BS:evil:. WHY DO THEY DO THIS!!!!!!!!!?????? Anyways, here's where I left off:

In English, there was this boy I even started to befriend, and he has a surprisingly great taste in movies and games. Basically we just randomly joke with each other and discuss movies, so it's all good. After all, Colonel Pork needs as many friends as he can get:;)...........BTW, for those of you with half a brain, I was refering to myself in 3rd person.

History, same ol same ol.

In other news, it's my mom's birthday this weekend. Our plans are basically going to this steakhouse about 15 minutes away, nothing special. But since it's snowing like a mufugka outside right now, I have a feeling this weekend will be a continuation of my repetitious winter weekends, which is another reason I'm "close to the edge." Even my mom is getting sick of staying at home watching movies. Hell, I'm even anticipating summer, since I'm not afraid of "attempting" to try to get a job anymore. With a trip to Minnesota with my dad to see my half-bro, a tube trip occuring up north with a group of friends, and God knows what else coming up in the summer for me, I can't wait. Hopefully it won't turn out like last summer, which was one of the crappiest summers ever. Only time will tell;)......

Alright, like always, it's time to give a slight elaboration of movies I previously watched in my spare time. Both were surprisingly great, one being a newer movie with magicians, and the other being sorta like a Pulp Fiction-lite. They are:

The Prestige--9/10 (yes I think this is a better movie than The Departed, so live with it:P ! )

Go--8.5/10 (reminded me A LOT of 11:14, but I thought 11:14 was waay better)

HOPEFULLY I can get my hands on Babel this weekend, which has been one of my most anticipated DVD's to come out. I have't seen it yet because the video store was out of copies last weekend, which sucked:cry:. But anyways, I've wrote too much, so I'm ending this thing now. For those who read through it all, I praise you all. If not, well, I don't blame ya:P. Now, HOPEFULLY WITHOUT ANOTHER "forbidden>," Until Next Time, LATA!

Don't, Push, Me, Cause, I'm, Close, To, The, Eeeeedge......

Man I love that song. True old school classic fo' sho' 8).............:| Ok, for all you clueless mufugkas out there, the song is called The Message by old school masters Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. But yeah, the reason I put that in my title is because I'm getting so sick of my repetitious life right now that I'm "close to the edge." I'm not even expecting snow days when major winter weather systems that come through Michigan anymore because it's been bypassing where I live everytime, which has been the case all through the week. Up north they've been getting pounded with it, and I've seen some schools get about 4 days off from school so far this week. It's not fair:cry: !!!!!

My school life is as pathetic as ever, which is one reason I'm "close to the edge." I'm down to a B+ in Chemistry due to getting A-'s and B's on my quizzes, and getting an 89 on my last test.

Studio Art is tedious every single day. Right now I'm working on this project where I'm tearing out pictures from old magazines and ripping them to small pieces to paste them on a drawing for color. It's boring as all hell.

Spanish sucks balls, due to all of the annoying 8th and 9th graders acting like immature helleons. It's pathetic:|.

Pre-Calculous.........meh to the 10th degree.

Lunch is getting unbearable as well. First of all, I'm sitting with a group of 4 girls in which one I only primarily talk to all the time, so I feel like I don't belong there. Second, our table is becoming invaded with a crowd of 8th and 9th graders, mainly boys, that talk about innapropriate subject matter, and it pisses me off. Plus I keep getting squished every day:evil:. And you want to know something else that pisses me off? It's when one of these boys in a group gives you a nod or says "What's up" in a smart elic matter when you give them a mean look. I hate it when that happens. It feels like I'm being made fun of, and it feels like they laugh behind my back. *sigh* I hate school.

Anyways, English has been aight. We've been watching the movie The Great Gatsby after reading the book, and since it's school, it was a meh movie. I have even started to befriend this one kid in my forbidden>

The Reason I Stayed Up Until 11:00 PM On Sunday

Yeah, in case you were living under a cave (notice I said UNDER, not IN, a cave), you probably knew that last night was Oscar night. Yay. I'm actually one of the few people who cared. But it was great, even though I couldn't stay up for the "good" awards (****ing school causing me to go to bed early:| ). It seems Pan's Labyrinth picked up many of the technical awards, which was cool. Haven't seen it yet, but it's at the top of my list for DVDs to rent. Even though it did not win the Best Foreign Film award, it's great that The Lives of Others got some recognition, which is ANOTHER film I want to see in the future. And so much for Eddie Murphy getting that award for Best Supporting Actor, eh? Oh well, Alan Arkin deserved it more IMO, since Little Miss Sunshine is a superior movie than Dreamgirls. But hopefully there won't be a racial outrage now, since Jennifer Hudson DID won the Best Supporting Actress catagory (should've been Abigail Breslin:evil: ) and Forest Whitaker won for Best Male Performance for his role in The Last King of Scotland (yet another movie I want to see). Oh, and last, but not least, The Departed took home the Best Picture Oscar, which was expected, but I still think Little Miss Sunshine should've gotten it. Oh, and Jerry Seinfeld made an appearance, and made a couple funnies, too. All in all, it was great entertainment until I had to go to bed.

Meanwhile, with another weekend over, I managed to watch a couple more movies of course. Although they weren't new movies, they certainly were great ones. Here they are:

American Beauty--9.5/10 (Best Kevin Spacey movie I've seen so far, even better than Se7en and Usual Suspects, which I thought were "meh" movies)

The Hours--8.5/10 (a surprisingly good movie my mom picked out for once)

Alright, that's about all I have to say. My mom's birthday is this weekend, so HOPEFULLY there will be SOME kind of action taking place next weekend. I'm getting sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again every weekend. Well, Until Next Time, LATA!