it was the greatest clutch i have ever done in css. It was 15-14 for the other team, it was on cpl_mill. I was the only one left on my team, against 3 guys of the other team. I go up mid with the bomb, and well basically i kill 2 guys in like 5 seconds, and kil the very last guy at less than 1 second remaining to the game. I tied the game and we didnt do overtime. Nokidding, i still got the demo.
so why does bioshock req such INSANE req for PC and DX10, but yet it looks the exact same on 360 and a 360 isnt even half the req of the prefered req on PC and i dont think 360 is dx10 either.valcrist09
it probably will not have the same graphical features (no dx10 features) and probably dumbed down textures, like for most games that come out for pc and consoles.
its open ended, its made by crytek, its kind of successor to far cry, you can mod your suit, your guns... but the part everuone is hyped up about is the amazing graphics.
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