Aww, I was excited about Doom 3: BFG until i read this- the tension that having to choose between your flashlight being out or you weapon MADE that game. Are they at least going to give you a "classic" flashlight option?
@steelmouth How about the fact that Batman has won in pretty much every comic in which they have ever fought. Strength and speed aren't everything, no one outsmarts Batman.
It's doubtful, but I think it would be really awesome if DC let Netherrealms go M-Rated with this. I suppose removing the direct connection to Mortal Kombat being severed is a good half measure, but if the concept is "heroes gone bad" it would be neat if they let the team kut loose with stuff like Superman cutting people in half with heat vision. (see what I did there?)
If they made a cyber- Raiden game where he played exactly like Snake, would that make a lick of sense? Did you see him in Metal Gear Solid 4? Putting him in the players hands DEMANDS a shift in gameplay genre.
I gotta say, I'd actually be a lot happier about a Vita Assassin's Creed side story than a port of AC3. Although, if there is any kind of cross play with your PS3 save file, it would be pretty awesome to work on side missions on the go to gain resources and save the meatier main quest stuff for the big screen/surround sound.
The Halo comics are pretty great- there is really cool, action-oriented one called "Bloodline" and the "Helljumper" one is great to read before playing ODST (it makes Dutch and Romeo more three dimensional characters).
Haven't read a lot of other game based books, but the art in the Metal Gear Solid comics are fantastic (though i could see the writing being a bit nonsensical to those who are not intimately familiar with the games they are based on)
@Slagar They are actually closer to watching a movie/tv show than reading a book if you ask me. The dialogue plays a lot more like reading subtitles than prose. Both have their place though; on that note, if you're a fan of Stephen King's Dark Tower books, the comic series is a great companion to them; they flesh out the story in some really cool ways.
@Dumachum Skyrim's newest update fixes that problem pretty well- but his point is that the developers need to think harder about utilizing existing tech effectively.
Skyrim is on three consoles (360/PS3/PC) and it turned out that they didn't take enough care optimizing the PS3 version. If you compare it to a game like Uncharted 3, that looks fantastic and runs like butter, it's easy to see what current gen hardware is capable of when the software is optimized.
Thank the heavens Lucas squashed this game. Instead of adding a fun instalment of one of the most awesome Star Wars series, they wisely put an end to it to pave the way for true classics like Kinect Star Wars and its dance mode.
The Star Wars franchise reputation is safe for now...
grey_fox1984's comments