I really disagree with Gamespot's approach here. Is a collection of games containing two of the ps1's then most highly rated and well liked games really deserving of a 6? With very impressive visual upgrades, no less? Gameplay upgrades were never promised. You HAVE to look at a release like this through nostalgia glasses.
Just picked this up today. Perhaps it's averaging a "7" on metacritic, but I think personally it offers a great time and is an essential pickup for anyone who purchased PS VR.
Lots of the professional critics however, make a point that bugs me. They say "if this was not in VR, it would be below the current bar for FPS games" or something to that effect. Well, yes, that might be true, but the fact is, you CANNOT separate this from VR, and it's MEANT to be played with the Aim, both details that help elevate it beyond the realm of mediocrity and into "must-play" status, if you own a PS VR (in which case if you didn't, you wouldn't be playing this anyway).
Well worth the money and the 40 mile drive I had to make to pick one up because they were sold out completely in my area.
@dev-raid1: I have an OG, too. Claims of it being crap are GREATLY exaggerated, like an urban legend almost. It runs FINE. Obviously Pro gives it a boost, but it's mainly just a bit more detail. It has very little to do with smoothness or playability.
@iX-gamer: But, Sony already had it in the bag in most areas, but this was a knock holding them back. With this issue removed, it allows them to pull ahead significantly in the grand scope.
Breath of the Wild looks like utter perfection. Why oh why must Nintendo keep making silly hardware for us to buy just to play their brilliant games? Just go third party already, please!
guitarpete462's comments