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#1 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts
In the "golden era" of gaming plenty of devs aped the design of other successful games. That is not the sudden and new phenomenon you make it out to be.RandoIph
No you're right, devs trying to mimic the success of rivals is no new phenomenon, but nowadays it's been escalated to an all time high, catalysed by games like CoD. I suppose another key difference was that back then the big hitters were actually terrific titles in their own right: Half life, Ocarina of time, FF7 to name a few were immensely popular as well as being highly innovative. It wouldn't have been a bad thing for other devs to mimic such games, in fact the success of such games would have encouraged many to dive into some imaginative concepts. They were perfect models to draw inspiration from. Whereas there's nothing inspiring about COD clones and the like.
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#2 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts

Actually the original COD gamesbrought a breath of fresh air to what was a really stale fps genre. I would argue COD didn't ruin gaming, but that Activision ruined COD. What we have now is so far from what COD used to be.

That's a fair enough point I suppose. I remember being very impressed with the original Call of Duty, the battle of Stalingrad was particularly memorable. Beyond that though it was just soullessly milked by Activision, who just forced out annual re-releases with very little differencs. You could argue that MW's setting was a breath of fresh air, but the truth was it was more or less the same game with a different skin.....which also saw annual re-releases with close to zero changes.
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#3 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts

(TL;DR at bottom)

Right, thought I'd dive deep into some controversy - I honestly think that games like Call of Duty have lowered gaming standards these days. Allow me to explain.

Now COD is by no means a bad game, heck you could argue that its a very polished title with very little flaws and is itself very well presented as I'm sure most of you will point out. My quarrel with it however isn't its technical shortcomings (which it doesn't lack), but rather its lacking of originality.

Cast yourself back over a decade ago or even beyond when we had developers experimenting with innovative gaming ideas all of which were very original - we had Yu Suzuki giving us the brilliant Shenmue games which were so far ahead of their time, we had enjoyed terrific stories from Lucas adventures such as Grim Fandango and Monkey Island, and furthermore we truly had barrier-breaking, astonishing titles such as Ocarina of time, Final Fantasy 7 and Deus Ex which had raised the bar in the gaming world.

Nowadays that same bravery and indulgence into originality has been replaced by a soulless attempt to cash in at the so-called 'safe-selling' games, i.e. games that are not necessary ground-breaking, but rather following a common formula that will most likely appeal to those looking for a quick action fix, typical in games like COD, gears of war or what have you. It seems every game released nowadays is a shameless clone of Call of Duty or Gears of War, if it wasn't already bad enough that those franchises already re-release the same game every year under the guise of a sequel. It sets a depressing precedence, where you forget about innovative ideas and simply go for the fool-proof formula of creating a game with bald, space marines killing terrorists, Nazis, aliens all in a very short single player campaign, while the multiplayer is nothing but an unimaginative fragfest with annoying pre-pubescent children shouting down the voice comm.

Now I appreciate that there are some gems being released out there today, but sadly they don't seem to get much attention and its only indie developers which tend to be brave enough to put em out there, most likely resulting in poor sales and discouraging them from continuing their work. Hence we get this almost Darwinian system where the only games that are left to saturate the market are shameless spinoffs of games like Call of Duty.

Another thing I should note is that I'm not solely blaming the Call of Duty series here, its just the game I happen to think of when I evaluate what is IMO - an era defined with a fall in gaming originality.

TL;DR: Games like Call of Duty have ruined gaming because every game tries to mimic its success by copying its unimaginative formula, not being brave enough to experiment with the originality we were spoiled with in previous gaming generations.

This isn't just a rant by the way, I'm curious to hear what other people have to say on the issue.

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#4 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts
I did this in Morrowind where I wiped out everything that had a pulse. After all of it, I began to feel lonely....turned into a ghost world lol. If that's the way you want to play it then fine, but honestly at least try to hold out killing everyone you see for the first few hours. You're missing out on some great quests, some interesting characters...all of which lead you to greater quests, and even more interesting characters and RICHES. So yeah, notch it down bro - the next interesting character you come across....give them a chance to speak before putting a bullet in their face lol. There's plenty of opportunities in this game that allow you to be an evil douche.
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#5 hama666
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I havent actually met too many racists in person. Its mostly a bunch of cowards on the internet, mostly YouTube. But there is some racism in my family, mostly the elderly who do not approve of us marrying different ethnicities.
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#6 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts

Today, the Witcher EE was on sale for 27.99. I only have a $25 coupon. FML

Pay the extra $3 then?
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#7 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts
Its funny because at the time of posting this, the thread undernearth this one is titled "who else cant wait foor Mech warrior"
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#8 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts

I agree with OP, but I wouldnt say it was totally crap, just severely overrated. GTA IV on its own is a great game, but is a very poor sequel to San Andreas considering that they removed most the fun activities and replaced them with this silly gimmicky relationship system which gets tedious after the first time. Better graphics and presentation doesn't justify weaker gameplay for me....ever. Personally I had a LOT more fun playing Saints Row 2 which ironically enough felt like it was the proper sequel to San Andreas considering the huge number of diversions available ontop of the main missions. It also had that typical cranky humour associated with the GTA games, which in GTA IV was swapped for a more gritty and realistic tone.

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#9 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts
Mass Effect The Witcher KOTOR BioShock
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#10 hama666
Member since 2004 • 3061 Posts
Mount and Blade - Not sure why it got such mediocre reviews, the combat is one of the best ive seen in an RPG and theres just so much depth to it, which is greatly increased by the huge number of mods out there. Planetside - in its the prime it was the best MMO out there period, everyone who's played the game would echo my sentiments. SWG 2003-2005 - got very average reviews most likely due to the buggy state of the game at release, but its also one of the most addictive and full MMO experiences ive had - the game had so much to do in it that made it impossible to get bored as you'd always be presented with new challenges. And you got to be a Wookie stormtrooper!