@Bluppis: yeah its definitely not and iron clad deal about Johns punishment, the only logical way i can try to justify it is John will keep his word, or in this case the "agreement" that he will serve at the night watch; preventing another war. living beyond the wall with the wildlings isnt really breaking the agreement. he's still serving out his life sentence in the same area, he is just stretching his legs, its got a big back yard. Im convinced by the end John is tired of it all (leading, fighting, suffering) and wants some peace, he seemed content to be with ghost and Tormund.
overall im ok with the ending we got, it feels like a decent compromise where all the survivors get something and nobody gets completely screwed. It can be argued that John got screwed, but i interpreted his final scenes as content and accepting of decision made; it reminds me a little of LOTR frodo, who at the end couldnt move past the trauma of the events, some wounds just wont heal. the band breaks up and goes their separate ways, and thats always gonna leave a sour taste in the fans mouths. Any GOT fan will have had countless discussions about who will end up on the iron throne, debating with friends and family and why character x does or doesnt make sense. Ive long had the answer that nobody was gonna get it, and i a way i was right. I just couldnt see the cookie cutter ending of John taking the throne, thats not John, much like Arya will never be a lady. Not everything has to matter in the end, like Johns birthright or Jamie's redemption character arc, just because these details exist, doesnt mean they have to be used or they are pointless. you can argue its bad writing, but if you are only including details that "have to matter and mean something," then the end becomes predictable.
Overall i enjoyed the final season, with the exception that ep 3 and 4 had huge issues (plot armor, poor character decisions), which largely rippled from ep 3 and the way the battle was depicted to the audience; ep 3 almost broke the season. i really enjoyed ep 1, 2, and especially 5, because at least the battle felt plausible (something ep 3 sorely lacked) and righted the season 8 ship in a focused direction to end on. Ep 6 was as good as it could be, tidying up major loose ends with a few exceptions and give a divided audience, who was never going to be happy regardless, a ending that is neither horrible nor amazing. its just and acceptably ok ending.
oh man this misses the mark. if you watched this and didnt know this was the next joker movie, you would just think this is another average joe, down on his luck, gone crazy movie; and without really showing the crazy in action. the only solid indicator that this is DC joker is the arkham hospital sign. thats it, everything else could be any story about poverty, isolation and society cruelty. I hoping this is just a bad trailer, and that the next one will better convey what the movie is supposed to be.
it was never a good idea to outsource your BR to a different dev team (criterion games), ive only watched a few streams and i can clearly see this wasnt made by dice and just doesnt seem exciting in any way. plus bad timing to release after a successful BR like apex legends. the only thing this game has going for it is its ww2 setting.
Im having a blast so far, definitely nails the carrot on a stick to keep me engaged. Its very polished out of the gate, its almost odd to play a game at launch that feels complete. time to kill feels good, ive only had a few fights that went too long and lost a bit of fun; not a fan of excess bullet sponges, so im glad its been toned down.
Saw this coming a mile away, i feel bad for my buddies who cant be convinced that this is hot garbage.
*as a side note, not a fan of the new video reviews, feels lazy and completely negates the point of a video review: taking a written review and condensing it to just the essential pts via audio commentary while providing interesting and relevant gameplay video to support the commentary.
bobby: "financial results for 2018 were the best in our history," it "didn’t realize our full potential."
im triggered so hard on this line. textbook greed and a perfect example of whats wrong with corporate mindset. people are worried about making rent and eating decent food and yet the "important" people at the top make so much money that they need other people to keep track of it. the top brass should take pay cuts if they want their company to do even better, but no thats crazy talk.
bummer, i was completely against the 1st one until i saw it, and the cgi mob/wave zombies wasnt as dumb as i thought it would be from the trailers. probably one of my fav zombie movies now. sucks if this will fade away like 28 months later.
hampton2003's comments