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#1 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound!



do it.

These ones speak the troof.

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#2 householdman
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#3 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

GS headline story...

Getting your personal information swiped on the open PSN was bound to happen...

Another 360 benefit, LIVE is a much more secure service...


Sony openly warns its users of the possible dangers of the psn being hacked and takes the steps to rectify the situation.

Microsoft openly denies all cases of users claiming they have been hacked as usual.

I'll stick with Sony as the superior of the 2 thank you very much.

Oops I just owned another person. Unless you can prove otherwise, for the 3rd time in this thread XBL was never hacked, it was incompotant customer service.

thank you... remember, in cow land they can make things up and spin it to their needs like no other... XBL was never hacked... some idiots responded to a bogus email on their computer, um last time I checked thats not MS's fault. Sony's faulty online service was actually breached and besides, where is the Gamespot news article claiming XBL had been breached? I havn't seen one. Seems a huge story like that would have been reported on by gamespot.

Social Engineering is a HUGE part of attacking most secure systems, and is a big part of any malicous attackers arsenal. Ever heard of phishing? In fact social engineering is a recognised method for overcoming computer security

If people are going to talk about 'hacking' they might as well say various methods, the word is that broad.

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#4 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Commercial tools aren't like a modders toolset. From what I've seen (With other engines, I haven't had any experience with ue3) They can change pretty much anything they need to in the engine, and all the core game mechanics are controlled using a scripting language. Blame the devs, not the engine. I'm pretty sure ue3 engine hasn't reached it's potential yet.


Then how come Silicon Knights are sueing them for not providing features they were promised in Unreal Engine 3.0? Developers buy engines so they don't have to build one ground up and save a ton of time.

Yea that's why a lot of games look the same, they use stock stuff. Plop a light here, move some sliders, rather than working in an entire new effect.

Though even with using the bones of the engine and scripting your movement and actions and adding your own textures, you can make a game that people won't recognize as a ue3 game unless they are told.

Well, that's what I've seen when working with any of the engines we used at polytech.

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#5 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Commercial tools aren't like a modders toolset. From what I've seen (With other engines, I haven't had any experience with ue3) They can change pretty much anything they need to in the engine, and all the core game mechanics are controlled using a scripting language. Blame the devs, not the engine. I'm pretty sure ue3 engine hasn't reached it's potential yet.

I think some of you are mistaking the game engine for the game itself, or what you can do with modding tools.

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#6 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Well personally Crisis Core seems to have a pretty solid storyline without the need of even playing FF7. Seriously I was stunned how well it respected the FF7 story, and yet the new content is crazy.

But FF Tactics takes the title, you will hardly find a rpg that has better story than tactic.


I would argue (And I'm sure MANY veterans of the blackisle iso rpg era will agree) Planescape: Torment's story pwns any other in cRPGs.. Opinion of course.

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#7 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

If it wasn't for the outlier odd reviews on PS3 games (GAMESPOT) then more then 2 or 3 games on PS3 would be AAAE. When one odd ball says 7.0 or 7.5 while the rest say 9.0 or 10.0. Where is the middle point? Its 8.0 something and this is why most PS3 games lie their in Gamerankings.



They are using arithmetic mean (which is what an Average is in a non-math centric situation) which is all the scores added together divided by the number of scores. This means that if there are 10 100s and one 75 the mean is 97ish

Still, they take the numbers off quite a few sites. It'd take one massively skewed score to significantly drag down such a massed average.

The higher the amount of scores, the less a skewed score would matter.


100 * 10 = A

A + 75 = B

B / 11 = 97.7

Compared to:

100 * 20 = A

A + 75 = B

B / 21 = 98.8

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#8 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts
ANY game based on a/D&D has MEGA huge out of game history, they are based on worlds that have been fleshed out in countless novels, tabletop campaigns, and other video games.

I suggest you go read R.A Salvatores Dark Elf Trilogy, Icewind Dale Trilogy, and the Legend of the Drow series and play BGII, you will be in for a suprise when you get out of the underdark ;)
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#9 householdman
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Right now I'm collecting mainly for the SmS, Mega Drive, NES, Lynx, Saturn, and GC. I have other consoles, but I figure I'll get to them later. Though if I see a deal I will pick it up, ie I just brought Tomcat for the 2600, Quest 64, and Duke Nukem 3d for the PS1 :) (I'm also buying up d&d 3e books).
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#10 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Im not accusing Gs as a site of being biased, read twice before you reply. I was refering to a large population of the System wars board users.


But you still refuse to use Gamespot for scores and instead run away to other sites to make the PS3 look better. Are you suddenly going to change that if MGS4 gets AAA here?

Lol You knowmajority rules, the majority of most trusted websites give the Ps3 an AAAE and One does not Is it Fair to claim ownage over only one, think about it. Only Biased Fanboys bash systems and games over numbers, some of them Haven't PLAYED the games they bash and that is disgusting.

PS3 has no AAAE on Gamerankings, which means that the internet agrees it doesn't have one. Stop with the damage control and stop wasting my time.

And I have played Resistance and Motorstorm and those are really the only games I talk about often.

If it wasn't for the outlier odd reviews on PS3 games (GAMESPOT) then more then 2 or 3 games on PS3 would be AAAE. When one odd ball says 7.0 or 7.5 while the rest say 9.0 or 10.0. Where is the middle point? Its 8.0 something and this is why most PS3 games lie their in Gamerankings.


They are using arithmetic mean (which is what an Average is in a non-math centric situation) which is all the scores added together divided by the number of scores. This means that if there are 10 100s and one 75 the mean is 97ish