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#1 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts


Wait a minute

OH and it's by the same modder. You obviously don't keep up with the console hacking scene.

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#2 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

I have seen a lot of threads popping up and saying how the wii is killing gaming and such. How is it killing gaming, its just bradening the definition of gaming and innovating the industry by its diffrent concepts. Many people are sying wii caused the casuals into gaming, but guess what? Sony was the one who bought casuals into gaming using the PS1 and positioning it as a mature console and as a lifestyle acessory and not only as a game machine. The wii is just broadening the concept by attracting non-gamers(like moms and old-folk), who should also deserves to play games and experience interactive entertainment.

Also they are not killing the hardcore market, as nintendo always was family friendy since the nes days, but sega provided us with competetive and mature games(street figter, MK) and now it will be at least MS or sony doing that and we don't have to worry. The wii does get shovelware and crap games but who said you have to buy em. And if you don't like the wii don't get it, but you don't have to bash it.

P.S. I am a not a sheep as i don't own a wii, just a 360 but unlike some lems and cows, i don't bash the console and i am grateful that it is bringing a new audience and new innovations to gaming.


Uh both MK and Street Figther 2 (I assume your talking of Street Fighter 2 because 1 wasn't very good) came out on the SNES as well as the Mega Drive....The SNES had the best lineup of any console to date and a good number of it's titles are not for casual halo players. Sega had just as many child friendly games as Ninty during the SMS/NES and SNES/Genesis eras. Alex Kidd anyone?

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#3 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

id rather have killer instinct 3.prodiqy32

Amen, and a port of KI to the DS for my Spinal Combos on the run :P

Also, Rare > everyone in this thread so bleh.

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#4 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Then no game is a rehash according to you! Most follow up installments are obviously never the same game. Gameplay does not nessisarly warrent a point b/c that would mean halo2 and 3 were rehashes b/c they have the same gamplay! Dont fix what isant broken. Ppl arent tired of halo there tired of maro!


Lol you don't get to decide what people are tired of. I don't consider Halo 2 a rehash, it added online. I do consider 3 a rehash quite honestly. Still fun though.

Ok let's look at your "over 3 games a series is rehashing" rule. Zelda 1, 2, 3 were fine, but damn them for making Ocarina of Time! Resident Evil 1, 2, 3 were great, if only we didn't have to suffer Resident Evil 4! Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3 were grand, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 are all pointless then?

Are you telling me you're a 360 owner who won't be buying GTA4, RE5, Streetfighter 4, Soul Calibur 4, Splinter Cell, Halo Wars cos they are all "rehashes"? I call shenanigans.

Tired of Mario? Pfft they just aren't good enough at platformers to play them. I'd wager that Mario 64 is a much harder game than a majority of 360/ps3 games, don't even start me on Sunshine. SMG however, is a lot easier than the other games of the series.

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#5 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts


third party but still funny, its clear who buys nintendo other than the hardcore fanboys.


Um Legacy Gamers buy the Wii. Ya know, people like me that have sizable collections that span many generations.

Besides, all the consoles are casual, that's why they were made. The real gaming crazy mofos are the ones that jam PC.

I'd just like to add as a side note, I just read an article in a 97 Hyper magazine that said that the reason the Saturn was failing is because the only people that can use it's funky architecture to it's full potential is the Sega in house devs......Hmmmmm, does that sound like one of the consoles this gen????

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#6 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

If killer instinct 3 is annouced for 360 I will buy the system.Luxen90

This is true for me also. They need to bring out a 360 Advantage :P

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#7 householdman
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Wii Sports is the only game to rival Street Fighter in local play.Gunraidan

Which Street Fighter?

Anyway, Pfft. Stunt Race FX and Killer Instinct FTW!!! :P

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#8 householdman
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If anyone needs to spend >$1000usd to run Crysis, they don't know what they're doing and should either learn whats what, or stick to consoles.

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#9 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

[QUOTE="v61k"]give credit where credit is due..i own a Wii (as well as a PS3) and i absolutely hate it to death. i haven't touched it since, i think, last november and still haven't beaten zelda. but that still doesn't take away from the fact that they are destroying everything else in existence.

so what are we arguiing over again?bezaire2005

there's a difference between wii gamers and 360/ps3 gamers. Someone who is used to playing ps3/360 games are not going to be really satisified with the wii library, and vice versa. So while kids and anime-loving gamers are buying the wii at record amounts, why should I care? NOthing that compares to Gears of War or Halo 3 or Assasins Creed, GTA4 is available on the Wii, and those are the games I love. NOt to mention the fact that there are very few major sports games propertly represented, which I also love to play.

It's the #1 selling console...whatever. Why should I care? I'm not going to go out and buy a console just because it sold the most, and than get stuck with wario world and friggin super paper mario. It doesn't work like least in my opinion. Admittedly, you seemed to have fallen into the Wii hype and you have seemingly wasted a few hundred bucks. I wont' do the same, and instead i'll just stick with the console that has the games that I want to play. I really don't care if that console comes in #1, #2,#3, even #50.

Hold up buddy, I've been playing games for years, I've played my fair share of pretty much every genre out there. I've got a 360 and I dig Gears of War. However, I still play my Wii and SNES much more than my 360.

Also SMG goty says your opinion doesn't mean jack.

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#10 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

I have CDs that still work from my Sega CD so yea, they'll work, and what if they become unavailable to download once steam goes under? SUre they may be unlocked but what if your HDD gets nuked? Are all Valve games going to become freeware if Valve stops digital distribution? I don't think so. Backed up data on a CD or other media type is much more secure than data on a mechanical drive. You just gotta know how to take care of your stuff. It doesn't really matter what Valve says in the end, if they go bust, do you think they will really care about unlocking they're downloadable content anyway?


They won't become freeware. If steam goes bust they can press the big red button that disables steam authentication and makes it so every game purchased through steam is playable without the system. And you can easily backup your steam games on a cd/dvd if thats what you want. But face it, disks don't last forever no matter how much you take care of it. And do you really want to be a hermit dusting off his cd collection everyday? rofl. And yes, I do believe that, if they go bust, they'll care. Because valve is a good company that has a great relationship with their customers. Theres no reason to think they WOULD'NT do it. But good luck getting support and updates for your Sega CD games.

I swear, whenever technology moves forward there's people like you that try to fight it. I remember when CDs first came around and people complained and said they were going to stick with their cassette tapes. You can't stop technology, brother. You can't stop the evolution of technology any more than you can stop a sunrise. It's coming. You can either make it easy for yourself, or come along kicking and screaming but either way, you will submit eventually

I don't try to fight it, I've downloaded plenty of things via digital distribution. If your going to burn them to disks the sweet az, but if your just going to leave them on your hdd, unbacked up, then your asking for trouble.

Also I'd just like to add that I work for a company that leads many projects using new technologies. Right now were working on a platform for remote document processing using a silverlight, sql, and asp backend. I like progress, I just don't like the idea of my data relying on mechanical disk drives, that's why I use solid state memory for all my important files and information.