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#1 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Okay. So... >_>

Don't look at it as a role-playing game, then. :o

I dont
I see it more of an 'action rpg'. Light on the RPG elements, and heavier on streamlined combat system.

I loved it as a role playing game, more customization and freedom than 99% of the RPG's i've played and theres no stupid grinding.


As for customisation - of things like appearance and armour yes - as for personality of the character there was none, freedom wise - dialouge options there was barley any, the open world was deceptive of how much freedom it really granted.
And no grinding? I cant say ive played many RPGs with grinding at all (not including MMOs). Apart from side quests.

Im not stomping all over oblivion I trying to stop you from liking the game. However I really think you should try Fallout out.

Tried it and didn't like it cause i hate isometric views.

So have never played through any of the great isometric rpgs??? Jebus creebus, you're seriously missing out dude.

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#2 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

First of all OLD

Second of all, it's the engine being showed buddy. Crysis will not coming to consoles in it's current form, it's a technical impossiblity.

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#3 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Now there really are No More Heroes.:PGreyhound222

ROFLMAO omg that was the funniest thing I read all day, so lame, yet so brillant ^_^

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#4 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Screw that, what if in like 10 years, you want to boot up your old archaic XP system and jam some Counter Strike? Oh wait, steam went out of buisness when MS took over the world, luckily I have my old games collection still in it's original packaging. That's like the people that downloaded the BS-x Zelda games, the only way you can play them now is with glitchy roms.


Luckily for us, valve already thought of that and stated that they can unlock all the games if, and it's a big IF, steam ever gets shut down. They can make steam redundant

I hope your CDs still work in 10 years....thats if you can even find them.

I have CDs that still work from my Sega CD so yea, they'll work, and what if they become unavailable to download once steam goes under? SUre they may be unlocked but what if your HDD gets nuked? Are all Valve games going to become freeware if Valve stops digital distribution? I don't think so. Backed up data on a CD or other media type is much more secure than data on a mechanical drive. You just gotta know how to take care of your stuff. It doesn't really matter what Valve says in the end, if they go bust, do you think they will really care about unlocking they're downloadable content anyway?

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#5 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts
RPGs and Side Scrollers FTW!!! To bad everyones all caught up in the whole 3-D doohicky, I say use the Cry Engine 2 to make a bad ass side scrolling platformer.
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#6 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

You are paying extra buying your games packaged in boxes.

If you're the "I like to collect expensive game boxes and plastic discs" type, then keep it up. ;)

But, if you want to avoid annoying issues with installing games from old media devices such as CD/DVD/BluRay discs, time to move to an online platform like Steam. You can no longer scratch your games or be foiled by copyright protection schemes that turn out to be rootkits. You don't have to fill your shelves with expensive boxes anymore (unless you like that sort of thing.) Other pros to using Steam are that you can bring your ENTIRE gaming collection wherever you go; you can share with others what games you enjoy playing; and you can connect to your friends easily.

Never again be required to enter a CD Key or DVD disc into your drive before playing!

Join the Rest of Us!


Screw that, what if in like 10 years, you want to boot up your old archaic XP system and jam some Counter Strike? Oh wait, steam went out of buisness when MS took over the world, luckily I have my old games collection still in it's original packaging. That's like the people that downloaded the BS-x Zelda games, the only way you can play them now is with glitchy roms.

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#7 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts
Your damn right Fallout followers are picky and stubborn, we demand a Fallout game that stays true to it's roots. If you a casual RPG gamer, then the oblvion type of adventrue/action/rpg probally appeals to you, but if your a crazy schitzed out RPG freak who can sit down for days at a time getting complelty immersed into the story and mechanics of a decent RPG, then your going to want somthing with a little bit more to it than pretty graphics and a straight forward simplistic combat system. However, Bloody Mess Perk FTW!!!
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#8 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Hermits are an elitist bunch for a reason folks, they got the best kit, and the best games, and a library that stretches into the hundreds of thousands.

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#9 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

what a load... ShovelWare has been shoved into PC gaming for the better part of all my PC gaming life(almost 18years) There was shovelware on the PS1/PS2 and alot of it...

You buy games, you haven't heard of?? don't you do a bit of resarch b4 going to a game store and buying a title?

The Wii last gen?? mayb in terms of hardware, but as far age it aint........

How long you been gaming?


i never said nintendo started the shovelware revolution, yes its been around the 25 years i been gaming

i would compulse buy games on the 64 and gamecube hoping it would be a hidden gem yes and i still do this with my 360

the wii is last gen in hardware, thats what really counts

i been gaming since 1982 ive had every console in the history of consoles (except neo geo turbo graphix and neo geo pocket) but i have yet to buy a ps3 (its next on my list)

and i pc gamed alot in the 90s but lost interest in it

shovelware has been around since gaming started, but systems now a days seem to thrive more off of shovelware sells than they ever did when i was growing up. yes the regular nintendo had shovelware titles but they werent as rampant (90 percent of 64 and gamecubes titles were shovelware, no one can argue this, and this was because nintendo was more worried about first party titles than 3rd)

But hardware doesn't count as much as GAMEPLAY! I still play Monkey Island because the gameplay is damm amazing. Sure I love looking and playing games with Great Graphics but the gameplay has to be good and enjoyable and so far every Wii title I have purchased have great gameplay,

Space Quest IV FTW!!!! :P

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#10 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

what a load... ShovelWare has been shoved into PC gaming for the better part of all my PC gaming life(almost 18years) There was shovelware on the PS1/PS2 and alot of it...

You buy games, you haven't heard of?? don't you do a bit of resarch b4 going to a game store and buying a title?

The Wii last gen?? mayb in terms of hardware, but as far age it aint........

How long you been gaming?


i never said nintendo started the shovelware revolution, yes its been around the 25 years i been gaming

i would compulse buy games on the 64 and gamecube hoping it would be a hidden gem yes and i still do this with my 360

the wii is last gen in hardware, thats what really counts

i been gaming since 1982 ive had every console in the history of consoles (except neo geo turbo graphix and neo geo pocket) but i have yet to buy a ps3 (its next on my list)

and i pc gamed alot in the 90s but lost interest in it

shovelware has been around since gaming started, but systems now a days seem to thrive more off of shovelware sells than they ever did when i was growing up. yes the regular nintendo had shovelware titles but they werent as rampant (90 percent of 64 and gamecubes titles were shovelware, no one can argue this, and this was because nintendo was more worried about first party titles than 3rd)

So you've had the Fountain Force II, the Fountain, the Sounic, and all 3 Capcom Play Systems?

all the major systems that came out in the us

colecovision, intellivision, atari (2600) nes, snes, gamecube, n64, master system, genisis, sega cd, 32x, dreamcast, playstation, ps2, xbox, wii,360

game gear, gameboy, gameboy advance, psp, ds

also would like to note i had each system within the year they were released (except colecovision and atari, my parents bought them for my sister and had them for a while and gave them to me as my first gaming systems )

and i had a power glove, when it was new, and hated it. type in the code for the game your playing and wiggle your fingers to control the sucked (i might have a different view on it now seeing i was 12 when it was released i think)

In case you didn't see my other post:

That's not all the major systems 0_o

What about the 3DO, Jaguar, Jaguar CD, CD-I, Atari 5200 and 7800, Lynx and myriad of other systems that didn't do to bad or at the very least, are part of any collectors collection.


Also, the power glove was a hunk of poop, I'm aware of this. I have a power glove too, it sucks, I hate program codes, and glove ball is worse than big rigs.