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#1 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

what a load... ShovelWare has been shoved into PC gaming for the better part of all my PC gaming life(almost 18years) There was shovelware on the PS1/PS2 and alot of it...

You buy games, you haven't heard of?? don't you do a bit of resarch b4 going to a game store and buying a title?

The Wii last gen?? mayb in terms of hardware, but as far age it aint........

How long you been gaming?


i never said nintendo started the shovelware revolution, yes its been around the 25 years i been gaming

i would compulse buy games on the 64 and gamecube hoping it would be a hidden gem yes and i still do this with my 360

the wii is last gen in hardware, thats what really counts

i been gaming since 1982 ive had every console in the history of consoles (except neo geo turbo graphix and neo geo pocket) but i have yet to buy a ps3 (its next on my list)

and i pc gamed alot in the 90s but lost interest in it

shovelware has been around since gaming started, but systems now a days seem to thrive more off of shovelware sells than they ever did when i was growing up. yes the regular nintendo had shovelware titles but they werent as rampant (90 percent of 64 and gamecubes titles were shovelware, no one can argue this, and this was because nintendo was more worried about first party titles than 3rd)

So you've had the Fountain Force II, the Fountain, the Sounic, and all 3 Capcom Play Systems?

all the major systems that came out in the us

colecovision, intellivision, atari (2600) nes, snes, gamecube, n64, master system, genisis, sega cd, 32x, dreamcast, playstation, ps2, xbox, wii,360

game gear, gameboy, gameboy advance, psp, ds

That's not all the major systems 0_o

What about the 3DO, Jaguar, Jaguar CD, CD-I, Atari 5200 and 7800, Lynx and myriad of other systems that didn't do to bad or at the very least, are part of any collectors collection.


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#2 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Uncharted>All current console games

I thought this was already a well known fact.


0_o SMG got GOTY bruth. Anyway, that's all opinion.

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#3 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

lmao thanks for calling me young (quite the compliment)

but i know shovelware has been around since the beginning of gaming, its just rampant nowadays more than before the psx

oh and my first console was a colecovision and i remember the first time i saw super mario brothers 3 (before any screenshot was ever shown it was in the movie the wizard)

but thanks again for telling me i am young


So did you act the same way when Ikari warriors introduced the 12way rotating joystick? (ZOMG GIMMICKH!!!) or when the N64 made the analog sticks mainstream? How bout when passwords died in NA (Go Japan for getting everything first like the SNES disk system)? Did you call saved games a gimmick? Did you say they would ruin gaming?

It seems like people are ragging on the Wii because they fear change, reality is, gaming changes every time a new "thing" is released. Live with it.

Also if you really aren't a kid, my bad, but I wouldn't expect such brutally narrow minded words from a vet.

also if you would like to talk about gimmicks

remember the old nintendo power glove?

or the nintendo U FORCE

or the nintendo power pad

or the master system 3 d glasses

all of these were released and failed because they were all gimmicks, nothing more

Pfft, the power glove is awesome. It's so bad. BTW there are still companies in Japan making 3rd party Power Gloves.

Also, incase you missed my other post

So you've had the Fountain Force II, the Fountain, the Soundic, and all 3 Capcom Play Systems? Cause that's pretty impresive.

The Master System probally had the most shovelware of any system EVER, there were some terrible games on that thing, but people embraced it anyway. Why won't people do the same with the Wii?

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#4 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

what a load... ShovelWare has been shoved into PC gaming for the better part of all my PC gaming life(almost 18years) There was shovelware on the PS1/PS2 and alot of it...

You buy games, you haven't heard of?? don't you do a bit of resarch b4 going to a game store and buying a title?

The Wii last gen?? mayb in terms of hardware, but as far age it aint........

How long you been gaming?


i never said nintendo started the shovelware revolution, yes its been around the 25 years i been gaming

i would compulse buy games on the 64 and gamecube hoping it would be a hidden gem yes and i still do this with my 360

the wii is last gen in hardware, thats what really counts

i been gaming since 1982 ive had every console in the history of consoles (except neo geo turbo graphix and neo geo pocket) but i have yet to buy a ps3 (its next on my list)

and i pc gamed alot in the 90s but lost interest in it

shovelware has been around since gaming started, but systems now a days seem to thrive more off of shovelware sells than they ever did when i was growing up. yes the regular nintendo had shovelware titles but they werent as rampant (90 percent of 64 and gamecubes titles were shovelware, no one can argue this, and this was because nintendo was more worried about first party titles than 3rd)

So you've had the Fountain Force II, the Fountain, the Soundic, and all 3 Capcom Play Systems? Cause that's pretty impresive.

The Master System probally had the most shovelware of any system EVER, there were some terrible games on that thing, but people embraced it anyway. Why won't people do the same with the Wii?

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#5 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Pffft. Everyone knows the Sega CD has the best graphics, FULL MOTION VIDEO!!!!


Running at 10000FPS


1 color = to 1,000,000,000 colour... SO THATS 64,000,000,000 COLORS ! Thats insane !

So there I was, playing Road Avenger, and BAM, I missed the right on the warf. The resulting crash looked so realistic. MUCH better than Crysis.

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#6 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

I can play it on my GFs "Sims" rig which is:

AMD 64X2 4200
1g Ram
6600GT 128mb

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#7 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

lmao thanks for calling me young (quite the compliment)

but i know shovelware has been around since the beginning of gaming, its just rampant nowadays more than before the psx

oh and my first console was a colecovision and i remember the first time i saw super mario brothers 3 (before any screenshot was ever shown it was in the movie the wizard)

but thanks again for telling me i am young


So did you act the same way when Ikari warriors introduced the 12way rotating joystick? (ZOMG GIMMICKH!!!) or when the N64 made the analog sticks mainstream? How bout when passwords died in NA (Go Japan for getting everything first like the SNES disk system)? Did you call saved games a gimmick? Did you say they would ruin gaming?

It seems like people are ragging on the Wii because they fear change, reality is, gaming changes every time a new "thing" is released. Live with it.

Also if you really aren't a kid, my bad, but I wouldn't expect such brutally narrow minded words from a vet.

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#8 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Holy Cow Pies Batman, are you telling me, that because I own a Wii, I'm not going to be able to play a host of generic shooters, even though I don't like shooters?? WHAT EVER WILL I DO.

The PC is the best system for RPGs, FPS, and RTS, the Wii has most other things covered. The only generes these two systems don't quite excell in is Fighters and Racers, but to be honest, I got a SNES and I'd much rather play Killer Instinct than Tekken 6.

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#9 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

I honestly dont even consider the Wii as part of the war because its so not a gaming system in my mind. All I can say is the Wii is oppening a new era of gaming and its look crappy. I mean showing developers that gimmicky cheap games sell better than hard worked on and high graphic with a great online games is just stupid. I mean soon games like Mass effect and GeoW are going to be things of the past. And I mean sports games were doing it but now the Wii has really opened the developers minds that they dont have to make a high quality game to sell they just need it to be stupid and catchy. I just hope some developers will keep making good games and not crap like warioware and other stupid stuff. I will admit that the Wii does have some good games but thats not really whats making it sell. The thing will sell just because of Wii Sports and other stupid games and developers notice this. And im not flamming it because I want one for SSBB but I think it is deffinetly ruining our gaming economy and hopefully games wont start getting crappyer because of it.

And im not a fanboy I might get the Wii because of its few good games.



this will end bad for all gamers, because like this guy said, devs are going to get lazy and throw out shovelware (i. e. most wii games) because most 6 to 15 year olds will get mommy and daddy to buy any crap they see. i admit i own a wii (but i dont buy every crappy title thats out so i can say "look at my wii collection") i buy what i like, and refuse to take risks buying games i havent heard of on the wii (because i got tired of being burned on the 64 and gamecube)

comparing a wii to the 360 and ps3 is like comparing a toaster to a nuclear power plant.

wii should still be considered last gen (seeing most games that are on 360 and ps3 cant be coded to come out for the wii) but games for ps2 and regular xbox have no problems being ported to wii.

I think it's pretty obvious your quite young, and never played any console older than the PSX, or you would realize that shovelware has been around as long as gaming, and has been just as rampant as it is now.

Not only that but casual gaming has been around just about as long, remember Anticipation? oh what am I saying, of course you don't you're probally like 15.

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#10 householdman
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts

Theres already a thread for hardware questions brutha.

You really need to post your specs if you want a difinitive answer.
It will probally run, but I wouldn't expect to play on the highest settings.