householdman's forum posts
That's understandable though, they spent hard earned bank on a system that was advertised as the next big thing in gaming.
It's not all bad though, once a huge company like EA has gotten it down, they might share their development tools.
"The pixel shader runs on the Synergistic Processing Elements
(SPEs) of the Cell/B.E. and works concurrently with the GPU to
render images. The system's unified memory architecture allows
the Cell/B.E. and GPU to exchange data through shared textures.
The SPEs use the Cell/B.E. DMA list capability to gather
irregular fine-grained fragments of texture data generated by the
GPU. They return resultant shadow textures the same way. The
shading computation ran at up to 85 Hz at HDTV 720p
resolution on 5 SPEs and generated 30.72 gigaops of
performance. This is comparable to the performance of the
algorithm running on a state of the art high end GPU. These
results indicate that the Cell/B.E. can effectively enhance the
throughput of a GPU in this hybrid system by alleviating the
pixel shading bottleneck."Looks like you're wrong about everything. /thread
He was talking about memory access not how the cell gpu exchange. Although his argument still doesn't hold up, the PS3 is an extremely powerful piece of kit despite it's alien architecture.
[QUOTE="trizzle_a"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Because I have faith in Silicon Knights. Eternal Darkness is a masterpiece and one of my favorite games ever put on a disc.
Why are cows so excited for Killzone 2?
Never mind about KZ2.
This thread is really about Uncharted and Naughty Dog.
Naughty Dog have never made a bad game, lemmings seem to forget that.
but th3 ps3 has never made a good game so it cancells out
How does a console make a game.
Anyway, I see a few cool games on ps3 R&C I would probally like, I hated gladiator, but Im a huge fan of the others. Other than that and kz2 I don't really see any games that jump out and scream "BUY ME YOU RAT BASTARD" . ME, Too Human, Crysis, SMG, SSBB and the like do however make me wish I could get a pay rise.
Usually I dog on the PS3 fanbase but I have to say I enjoyed Killzone a lot and I have high hopes for kz2.
Anyway I guess that's the reason, Too Human just has that BUY ME, NEGLECT YOUR LOVE ONES AND WASTE AWAY ON A DIET OF DRUGS ALCOHOL AND FAST FOOD factor, and that's whats generating the hype.
Personally I hate macs, I do a lot of random crap and nearly none of it is as easy on a MAC. I was trying to get the intranet up at work, It's easy to get Apache and php to work fine my I had a freaking nightmare of a time getting mysql to function properly, plus I can't use or any of the other tools I use and I don't want to buy mac versions of the Macromedia software for home when I already have it for Windows. The game situation is terrible and I don't like the interface at all. The one thing that I LOVE about osx is the functions of the F keys, I'm constantly using f11 to get all those windows out the way.
The only thing I use my home mac for is as a media machine, and do some video editing stuff.
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