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#1 ianuilliam
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There are more forums than GS. This is a board. I used the word boards.


No offence dude, but you sound VERY bitter. (inb4 you accuse me of a PS3 fanboy when I havent posted a single thing reguarding the link :roll: ) You posted in this thread with an inherent bitterness towards cows when cows havent even said ANYTHING, THEN you change your arguement around multiple times. You then call out EVERYONE who quotes you, calling them PS3 fanboys when they arent..... Im not argueing about the link because I dont care, i just want you to acknowlege that you are displaying extremely bitter behavior right now.

Yeah I am just very disappointed that even some of the more respected sites had many people believing it. That post wasn't directed to SW.

Yeah... because the statement came directly from Sony. Personally, I'm inclined to believe numbers given by the platform holders. This reminds me of the kind of dc in all the fiscal report threads last year, when PS3 numbers were higher than 360, and people claimed Sony waited till MS released their figures so they could fudge theirs and make up bigger numbers.

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#2 ianuilliam
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[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"][QUOTE="shinrabanshou"]Shipment = Sell-in = Sold-to-retail

Sell-through = Sold-to-consumer

Based on tracker data, the Gears 3 number was a sell-through number.


ahhh, got ya got ya, thats great for gears, hopefully uncharted 3 gets that sell through but its doing great so i'm sure sony and naughty dog aren't complaining

Yes, it was definitely a sell through number, but I thought it already hit 7 million by now? Does anyone have numbers up to date?

I don't think so... it had 3 million week one, but it dropped off the charts pretty quickly. I haven't seen any kind of update since the week one sales came out. VGChartz seems to think it sold 3 million in one week, and less than 2 million more since, but that's VGChartz. Personally, I would have expected Cliffy to brag about it on twitter if it had passed 5 million already. Seriously, if you follow him on twitter, he loves to toot his own horn more than anyone in the world. I would expect it pick up again for the holidays, though, as it's the only big exclusive 360 had this year (not knocking Forza, just that sim racer is not as huge a market as shooters/action games). If VGChartz is close to the mark on Gears, and this 3.8 million is actual day one sell in, Uncharted very possibly may have already passed Gears 3... :shock: That'd be pretty funny, since PS3 owners never buy any games...

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#3 ianuilliam
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[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"] thats exactly the same thing with gears 3,, it had 3 million units SHIPPED in its first week, shinrabanshou

No, that was a sell-through number, not sell-in.

I don't see why people make a big fuss about sell through vs sell in anyway. The main difference as far as I'm concerned is when you get sell in from the manufacturer, it's a 100% real number. Sell through is ALWAYS an estimate. There is no one in the world that tracks 100% global sell through. The closest you can get is adding up all the regional market trackers... but we don't have trackers for all markets, and the individual trackers aren't 100% accurate anyway... They sample some major retailers and extrapolate data from there to get, basically, an educated guess for the whole market. They may be pretty close, and useful for businesses, but they aren't exactly written in stone unfallible truths.

That said, its like you pointed out... the wording of an after-the-fact PR saying "3.8 million day one sales" makes no sense as sell in data. If that was shipped for launch day, they knew about it before hand. My guess is that the number is "sell through" based on restocking demand after launch day. Retailers call their suppliers after day one to reorder based on selling out, or selling though more than originally anticipated, and therefore being in danger of selling out during the next few days. Those reorder make their way up the chain to Sony, and Sony has an idea of how much sold, based on demand for more. Its not a 100% accurate way to track sell through, but it's as good a guess as adding up extrapolated numbers from a few markets, and calling it worldwide sales.

Either way, I couldn't care less whether it's sell in or sell through. It's a number coming directly from the publisher of the game, and the platform holder, to boot. I'll take that over VGChartz, NPD, Media Create, or any other analyst or market tracker out there.

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#4 ianuilliam
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These numbers are SHIPPED not SOLD. Either way U3 is a good game and hopefully all those shipped will be bought.


thats exactly the same thing with gears 3,, it had 3 million units SHIPPED in its first week, yet everyone was okay with that. But sony has said uc3 has sold/ship 3 million in its first day and everyone wants to call foul, love the double standards here. If this was from some shady website then yeah, but this is from Sony themselves, so i would love for all the people who say its fake to prove Sony wrong, i mean of course you guys will know how many copies UC3 has shipped then the people who actually released the game.

It's SWs dude, double standards are a way of life here. I think they are calling foul because they are saying it sold 3 mil in it's first day. U2 sold no were near that in the first day. I mean it's possible but I don't think it's likely.

Uncharted 2: sequel to a "AA" game, releasing to a global install base somewhere around 25-30 million.

Uncharted 3: sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of the gen with a 96 MC and enough GotY awards to fill up a stadium, releasing to a global install base of over 55 million.

Nobody should be surprised that U3 might sell better than 2...

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#5 ianuilliam
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[QUOTE="LustForSoul"]Well, I googled some. Seems it's true. That's smashing sales considering it took UC2 nearly a year to sell that much. ohgeez
The game deserves good sales so I hope so. But UC2 seemed to reach that amount by word of mouth. UC3 is probably being bought by all the people who played among thieves and loved it.

Exactly. "Bu bu bu but U2 only sold 1 million in a month! How could U3 sell > 3 million in a day?" U2 was a complete sleeper hit. The first game, while great, was < 90 on MC. Going in, U2 had no momentum. U3, on the other hand, is the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of the gen. Tons of GotY Awards, 96 MC, 5 million sales, plus they recently put out the 1 and 2 double pack, had tons of ads, a big MP Beta early this summer, and the early acces Subway promo right before launch, and not to mention the global PS3 install base is something like 25 million more, almost doubled, since when UC2 came out.

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#6 ianuilliam
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I LOVE how Sony fanboys believe it and post happy/praise replies across the boards.

If you add up UK+Japan (two big markets) then UC3 sold ~300k within the first week.

That would basically mean that it sold like 3m copies in US alone, day one. Why are you even posting on video game related forums if you can't deduce that this is 99.99% chance of being fake? Wow.


Was there another thread about this already? There's like 2 posts before yours... and one of them said something like "I highly doubt that." Which somehow translates to a stampede of cows throwing a celebration Sony-love-fest? That almost feels like preemptive DC...

Also, Take out Japan and UK, and all that's left is US? What about, I dunno, the rest of Asia, the rest of Europe, the rest of NA? Oh, and the rest of the world? Or did maps change in my sleep, and now there's only 3 countries? I know, PS3 haters don't want to admit that this could possibly be true... but it IS possible that the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of the gen, with a big ad campaign, and that whole Subway early MP access promo, might actually have blockbuster sales.

I love how it's universally accepted as fact when someone posts "Gears 3 sells 3 million in one week!" based on info from VGCHartz, but "Uncharted 3 sells over 3 million in one day," based on a statement from Sony, has a "99.99% chance of being fake."

"Sony Computer Entertainment Europe today announcedUncharted 3: Drake's Deception™ day one global sales of 3.8 million units. The PlayStation®3 exclusive title – released to universal critical acclaim (Metacritic: 92*) – has smashed sales expectations to become one of the best-selling titles of 2011, putting the third instalment on a clear course to be the biggest selling game in the trilogy.

Nick Caplin Head of Communications at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe commented, "Uncharted 3 is a blockbuster and these incredible sales figures reflect that. Consumers are clearly as eager to play the game as critics were to heap praise upon it, and the team at Naughty Dog deserve this fantastic reception at retail.

"The Uncharted series, exclusive to PlayStation®3, has redefined the third-person adventure genre and is now one of the leading franchises available.""

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#7 ianuilliam
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Guess now games will come out on xbox 720 and pc and will be considered one and the same, thus any shared game will be a microsoft exclusive.


Not company wars. Either the ten/loop/720 will be assimilated into the umbrella of systems known as "pc," thus doing the same to Lems in SW as hitting the Give Up button in the game Lemmings, and making all their heads explode, OR the Lems will get laughed at all gen by people with sigs of the Metagame results that show 0 AAAAE/0 AAAE/0 AAE/0 AE right up till the end of the gen.

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#8 ianuilliam
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Oh noes! I can't spam internet forums and find random people to help me exploit a feature so that I can avoid paying 10 bucks for a game! :roll:


And the legitimate users who'd share a game between family members are thrown under the bus?

Just because a lot of people use this feature in a bad way doesn't mean you should punish everyone.

If by "sharing with family" you mean more than 2PS3's in the same household... people with 3 or more actively used PS3s in the same household really don't have any reason to complain about having to pay for a $10 game more than once. If you meant sharing with extended family that live in different households, or siblings that have grown up and moved out, and so on... then that's really no different from sharing with your bud, or with a total stranger you met on a forum. Multiple activationsis not intended as some kind of "game sharing" feature where multiple people can DL and play games with only ine copy purchased.

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#9 ianuilliam
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P.S: and no it wasn't no 50m sold this genration its more like 20m.


No. It's been 50 million. I have actual sources when I make a claim or statement, unlike you.

Oh snap. :o

Yeah... I hate the "150 million down to 55! Biggest loss of marketshare evar! Sony are teh LOSE!" argument. Ignoring the fact that that's not how marketshare works... if we're using 2011 PS2 numbers, maybe we should wait till either the PS3 is 11, or 5 years after the PS4 launches, to see how PS3 did comparitively. I don't expect it to be around 150 million... but it'll be a lot more than 60. Assuming "next-gen" hits Q4 next year, and PS3 posts similar sales as it did the last 2 years, it'll be near, or above, 70 million before the start of the next gen. If it keeps selling for 5+ years into next gen, and drops to bargain prices like the PS2 did, it's very possible it could hit 100 million lifetime sales. And no matter what SW says about who won or lost this gen, 3 100 million selling consoles in a row would be hell of a hat trick for Sony.

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#10 ianuilliam
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But what's the point if Uncharted 3 scores less than Gears 3 on GameRankings, but scores more on Metacritic? What's the difference in reviews that they filter? At the end of the day, GR and MC are sites with random guys trying to figure out who is recognized, so we end up right where we started.

And again, highest rated exclusive is a 3DS game, people. Not a PS3 or 360 game.


Hey, I'm not here defending the thread topic, weighing in on it one way or the other... I've just seen todd basically the same thing in several different threads lately, going on about "Oh, cows use MC scores now because Uncharted's MC is higher, blah blah blah..." and as I said, it's been pointed out that MC scores have always been usable here, UNLESS we're talking about flops/metagame tally.

As for GR vs MC... Since they aren't being used for anything official, like flops/metagame spreadsheets... it doesn't really matter. Use whichever you prefer. Or use GS. There's no rule. You might say "Game X is higher than Y on GS!" And I might say, "yeah, but Y has a higher MC!" and Joe whoever can say "but they're the same on GR!" and we're all right. I'm pretty sure the industry (publishers and such) tend to pay more attention to the MC than they do GR or any singular site, but they're all valid for discussion here.

Whats the 3ds game you're referring to, btw? I thought people were trying to claim SS was the highest (with its 4 whole reviews).

I'm not trying to argue with you here. I'm just curious as to what the point of these aggregate sites are since they end up deciding who we see. GR, MC, GS, whatever. If we're talking about scores there's a certain bit of fun to be had with the metagame, so whatever.

As far as the 3DS game, I'm referring to the remake of Ocarina of Time, sitting at a 94 right now. Skyward Sword may have a 98, but its only at 4 reviews, Ocarina 3D has over 80. And at the moment is the highest-rated exclusive. If we don't count Ocarina since it's a remake than the highest rated exclusive is one of the iOS games sitting at 93. Regardless, the highest rated is not Uncharted 3 unless we focus in on just consoles.

Ah, Oot. I don't really follow the handheld war. Yeah. TC seems to have left out the words "on PS3 or 360" from the title.