No offence dude, but you sound VERY bitter. (inb4 you accuse me of a PS3 fanboy when I havent posted a single thing reguarding the link :roll: ) You posted in this thread with an inherent bitterness towards cows when cows havent even said ANYTHING, THEN you change your arguement around multiple times. You then call out EVERYONE who quotes you, calling them PS3 fanboys when they arent..... Im not argueing about the link because I dont care, i just want you to acknowlege that you are displaying extremely bitter behavior right now.[QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"][QUOTE="SuperFlakeman"]
There are more forums than GS. This is a board. I used the word boards.
Yeah I am just very disappointed that even some of the more respected sites had many people believing it. That post wasn't directed to SW.
Yeah... because the statement came directly from Sony. Personally, I'm inclined to believe numbers given by the platform holders. This reminds me of the kind of dc in all the fiscal report threads last year, when PS3 numbers were higher than 360, and people claimed Sony waited till MS released their figures so they could fudge theirs and make up bigger numbers.
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