People believing this are Blind. Sony always lie about sales, IT's shipments not Sales. Uncharted 3 barely sold a 1 million first week and you're telling me 4 million in a day? are people this stupid?EBcause it's BS in fact it's been confirmed Sony pulling the SHIPPED number again. Pathetic. WE SHIPPED 10 million MOVE but only sold 1 Million. Hope they get hacked again. The_Djoker
So much wrong... Sony always lie about sales? Can you provide a link to a single time Sony has lied? BTW, using sell-in numbers as sold isn't exactly a lie, unless they specifically said "sold through to consumers." Almost all businesses, in almost all industries use sell-in numbers, because most industries, gaming included, don't have any way to accurately track 100% global sell through: sell through is either based on market tracking firms (like NPD), which are estimates, and don't cover all markets, OR based on supply reorders from distributors... which isn't 100% accurate either. A retailer might reorder more or less than they actually sold based on whether they think the products sales will remain steady, go up, or go down.
I assume you mean U2 barely sold 1 million in a week, versus 3 selling almost 4... As I've said numerous times, comparing U2 to U3 sales shows a lack of sense. When U2 came out, there wasn't nearly as much momentum. It was still fairly untested... sequel to a game that sold a few million and was under 90% on MC, and released to a global install base of 25-30 million PS3s. It started off slow, based mostly on word of mouth, but ended up one of the most critically acclaimed games of the gen, with a 96 MC, and everyone (AND their mother's) stacked Game of the Year awards on it, with a lifetime total of around 5 million. Meaning Uncharted 3, rather than being sequel to a game that didn't have that much exposure, is sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of the gen, with a huge ad campaign, MP Beta, and early access promo, and is launching to a global install base over 55 million, roughly doubled since U2 came out.
I don't know where you're getting "shipped 10 million Move but only sold 1 million," but the "hope they get hacked again" pretty much paints you as a bitter hater. I mean, I may be a PS3 fan... but I don't go around saying things like "I hope all the new 360's break and chew up their owners discs!"
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