TBH Witcher 2 was planned multiplatform from the very beggining
There is also a distict difference between a game i can never get on 360 (a real exclusive) and a game i will be playing on 360 in a few months (timed exlusive)
So, how do you make the distiction between the two ? Not by calling them exclusives for sure
Yet, there was no announcement of such. Announcements of porting levels is not any kind of official "we're releasing on consoles". Furthermore, plans often get changed, e.g. The Witcher Rise of the White Wolf.
Distinct difference, yes. Still exclusive? Yes. Otherwise the word wouldn't be used. It's still on one system for a period of time (just like all exclusives, if they do not remain that way).
You make the distinction by calling them two different things, "exclusive" and "timed-exclusive", regardless, both are still only available for one system, which is what the MetaGame takes into account. Can you stop jumping around with your argument now and just give up.
It'll become multiplat upon release of the 360 version. Like I said, this is how it worked for Mass Effect at the beginning of this generation. Or will you just ignore that?
Well, whatever, i dont even know what MetaGame you are constantly talking about is TBH or its rules, so maybe by those rules it stands as exclusive
Though after a game is announced for more than one systems, i (and the whole world) call it multiplatform, so i dont agree at all with those rules, it should be clearly stated that is timed exclusive, that is all, because calling it exclusive like a real exclusive is laughable
Now, what abour Crysis ? That one is released, isnt it ?
Dude. Seriously. When a game is released on only one system, it is an exclusive. Even if it is only a "timed" exclusive, and has been announced on other systems, it still counts as an exclusive until it comes out. Gears of War was a 360 exclusive the year it came out and won GotY. It didn't stop being an exclusive until the pc version was released. Mass Effect 1 was a 360 exclusive. Until it released on PC. The Witcher 2 is still a PC exclusive. And will be, until it is released on another system. Comparing that to ME3, and trying to call that a 360 exclusive, because the pc and ps3 versions aren't out yet, makes you look ridiculous. It's not out on 360 yet either. If it does release on 360 first, you can call it exclusive until another version comes out. Say it comes out on a Tuesday on 360, and the PS3/PC versions don't come out till Wednesday... you can run around talking about it being a 360 exclusive all you want... for that one day. Until then, it is nothing like the situation at hand, and trying to bring it up is just... come on...
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