If 8/10 = "great... and the game is targetted at kids... and is "great for kids"... then what exactly is absurd about it getting an 8? :?Edge isn't bias. They even use a spectrum that is somewhat more forgiving than I would. They will instead give the biggest games a 6/10 scale instead of a 8/10 scale. In all honesty, I would give games like gears of war and resistance 2/5. Why? Because they don't appeal to me. It is like going to spy kids 4d and saying 'well its a good kids movie'. Some reviews border on absurd like rating sesame street a 8/10 because it is great for kids.
ianuilliam's forum posts
so is it safe to say uncharted 3 has higher meta score than gears 3 and forza 4?me2002Uncharted3 and LBP2 both have higher MC than Gears3 and Forza4. :o
[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="percech"] 10/10, 2 page summary...fails to mention why it's a 10/10. He is a fanboy of the series. I don't mind if they choose someone who likes the series and knows a thing or two about it, but that's completely different than choosing a full blow fanboy. Greg is a fanboy of Uncharted, IGN doesn't give a damn about who they select to write a review, they just want to make sure the score makes the companies happy. There was nothing honest about his review. Also, the guy who did the DOAX review may not work there anymore, but it's just an example and it says a lot about how they choose their staff. I go to IGN a lot, I can't name one person there who has any sense of journalistic integrity. They're all just a bunch of beer drinking frat video game fanboys.percechThis post doesn't seem very fair or balanced... What's wrong with a guy who likes the series reviewing the game (I know you addressed this, but read on)? How does that make him a fanboy? I honestly can't say more without sounding like I work there, but you have some very poor reasons to miss a good gaming site. Just out of curiosity, what sites do you prefer? Edge, Giantbomb, and Eurogamer. Well...sometimes Giantbomb, not always. I just look for well written and honest reviews.Obviouly not always GB... They gave Uncharted 3 a 5/5. :lol:
and 1up, and GamePro, and Giantbomb, and GamesReactor-Sweden, and Eurogamer-Italy... and a half-dozen or more other sites.Its just IGN, couldn't give less of a ****. The game will be great but IGN is no determinant of quality.
This thread needs more stirring up. 34 reviews and still a 94 on MC... Wasn't Gears down to 91 already by the time it got up to 30 reviews?
[QUOTE="todd2r"]I'm sorry but I don't see how this game gets a 10. I'm not damage controlling or whatever. I will be playing it no doubt. But I just don't see how an 8 hour campaign gets a 10. The game has no replay value. The multiplayer is not good enough to make the overall package a 10. I've got no problem with a 9.5 but a 10 is ridiculous for a linear, 8 hour campaign. And that goes for Gears, Batman, whatever it they would've gotten 10s. todd2r
Ever wanted to see a movie twice in your life?
Well this is a game you'd want to play more than twice in your life.
sure but i dont pay 60 bucks to do it
Playing Uncharted twice for $60 is like $3-4 an hour. Buying a new release dvd or BR for $20, and then watching it twice is like $6-7 an hour. Your argument makes no sense unless you have never bought a movie in your life...I didn't say every cloud, every dog, every personal computer, every car, every American, or every pc from 2006 in the post above, so that means all of those sentences are true, right? Even though there can be clouds with no rain, many dogs have no spots, most personal computers run on Windows, people drive cars all the time without getting arrested, way more Americans do not live in Wyoming than do, and the vast majority of PCs, even those bought for gaming, are not more powerful than consoles (at least not in a way that translates to new games running better... or at all).[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
It is a common sense not to include office-pc's or low-end pc's, and also I never said every pc.
I get it, you don't like the idea that a very old pc outperform the consoles, that is ok with me, but don't try call me liar or even worse autism(like you did in your post above).
I have no problem accepting that a 2006 pc that cost at least $1200, and likely a good deal more, outperforms a console from 2006 that cost $400-600. Why would I have a problem with that? The only thing I said was a lie was your initial statement "if you have a pc from 2006, you already know it plays any games better than consoles." I have a pc from 2006. It doesn't play games better than consoles. Ergo, the statement was not true. Also, I never called you autistic, or even implied that you might be. At this point, despite my usual tendency to continue an argument as long as the other party keeps going, I really think I just need to walk away on this one.
I think it is bothers you that a PC from 2006 play games better than console, because it makes consoles not a good investment because pc's are more cost effective and also you get better gaming experience (better graphics, better gameplay, etc). So that is why you try to prove my statement wrong, despite the fact that i have prove to you many times that my statement is true.
I'm going to just go ahead and assume that either English isn't your native language, or you are pretty young and still in school. I try not to be too judgemental about such things, so I'll just chalk our whole argument up to a misunderstanding about what it was I was trying to explain to you. But just for good measure, I'll repeat once again: It doesn't bother me at all that a pc from 2006 might be able to run games on higher settings than a console. How does it make a console a bad investment or make pcs more cost effective? Its the opposite, if anything. In order to have a 2006 pc that still plays all the new games, much less plays them at or above console performance levels, you'd have had to spent way more money... making the pc less cost effective, as far as gaming hardware costs. And, yeah... I'm not going to try to explain again why you have not actually proven your statement that I refuted to be true. If you haven't understood what I was saying in my other posts on the matter, one more is unlikely to yield any better results.[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Nah, Po is the protagonist. The antagonist would be whatever that leopard guy's name was in the first one, or the peacock guy in the second. Tai LungYeah. That guy can be the boss. But to beat him, you have to do the "scaDOOOOOOOSH" finger hold move.[QUOTE="Steameffekt"] Po. :)ferret-gamer
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