Demons Souls was something completely different at the time. It came from nowhere and surprised everyone with its incrdible gameplay, atmosphere, and innovative use of online elements. A lot of its win, i think, was due not just to it being so good... but that it was UNEXPECTEDLY good.[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
Even the 9.5/10 Uncharted 2 did not get GOTY over the 9.0/10 Demons Souls
So, i have doubts that the 9.0/10 Uncharted 3 will now get GOTY over the 9.5/10 Dark Souls, would make little sense
I agree with the rest, Zelda, Skyrim and Gears 3 have a chance at GOTY
I'm not trying to say Dark Souls doesn't deserve it... I just don't think it will win here, based on GotY winners over the past years. Let's just wait and see.
Based on GOTY in 2009 and the score Dark Souls got comparing to U3, i would give Dark Souls 99% chance to be this year GOTY myself and Uncharted 3 the least (talking about the big titles of course)
Based on the fact that GS has NEVER given GotY to a game after a previous game already won in the same generation, even when the latter game improved and scored higher (SMG2 10/10 for instance), I'd say your 99% chance is way off, but like I said, lets just wait and see.
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