I got BoTW for the Wii U and have been playing Mario Kart 8 for years. Please, Nintendo.......PLEASE give me a reason to buy a Switch besides being able to play while I take a crap.
@tonyleo01Yeah......get back to us after you beat Zelda in a couple weeks and have nothing else to play besides Othello and Lego City for months and months on end.
I have seen empty Switch boxes in the locked display cases at three different Walmarts. #1) Why on earth would you put empty boxes in there just to disappoint customers? #2) Why would Nintendo supply Walmart with empty boxes ?
@computernoises True. I sincerely plan on getting a Switch later in the year when more games come out but I bought BoTW for my U. That game is so dang amazing.
3 simple steps to driving massive numbers to your website..... 1) Buy 3 NES Classic Editions at scalpers prices 2) Say you have a "limited quantity" of NES Classic Editions that will go on sale on a certain day at a certain time 3) Have an established website like Gamespot that is gullible enough to report it
@Oogazi You're right. And what it does with smart consumers (such as me) is make them finally say "F>U Nintendo! I will spend my money elsewhere!" Which is why I finally bought a PS4 with money I had earmarked for a Switch....and I love it !
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