@Elranzer Yes....and Nintendo's philosophy is "CONSUMERS BE DAMNED". Come on.......the system is two weeks old. If they don't have enough confidence in the Switch to sell over 8 million units in it's run, something is wrong.
@aross2004 ummmmm.....you do know that the Switch is only two weeks old....right? Claiming victory is now is like claiming an NCAA Championship in the first quarter of the first round.
So they can double the production of the Switch on the drop of a hat.......but almost half a year later, gamers are still waiting to see an NES Classic Edition on store shelves. Further proof that the NES Classic Edition was just meant to keep Nintendo relevant during the holiday season......all at the expense of their customers.
@sodapoppimpski I think they are going to release as few as they possibly can to make it appear they are trying to meet consumer demand............all the while hoping the demand and interest will go away now that it has served it's purpose. Nintendo says it is having a hard time procuring a certain part (no detail as to what part). WHAT?!?!?! You have already manufactured hundreds of thousands of units so the stream is already in place. If they WANTED to produce the units they most definitely could...........in a very short time.
@sodapoppimpski It doesnt. The NES Classic was never meant to make a profit for Nintendo. Why would they sell 30 of their best IPs at $2 a pop WITH the expense of producing hardware when they charge at least DOUBLE that for a download? The NES Classic was just something that was meant to be short baked to produce a frenzy that would somehow keep Nintendo relevant last holiday season when they had NOTHING to offer....nothing.....no software....a dead console......nothing. And it worked. I am sure they took a loss on it but just consider it one big advertising campaign......with the consumer footing the bill.
@ArabrockermanX Gauge interest in a device? Let's look at the NES Classic which four months after launch is STILL near impossible to find on a store shelf. The unit was announced in late spring and from day one the interest was completely insane as anyone with access to the internet could see. But even with the simple chipset that is running games from over three decades ago.....there is still a major shortage. This has been Nintendo's MO for every system except the Wii U which , had there been even mild interest, would have had a "shortage" also I am sure. I agree with you though.....with the crappy launch titles (sans Zelda) with few great games on the near horizon I am surprised it sold this well, also. Maybe launching in March when there is zero "shiny new bauble" competition is smart.
After owning every Nintendo system since the NES, my patience with Nintendo has finally ran out after the NES Classic fiasco. I definitely will pick one up..........but in a few months after Nintendo plays their game and there are plenty on the shelf.
lol.......Nintendo should get into politics because they can spin with the best of them. While their claim that the Switch had a better launch weekend than even the Wii is TECHNICALLY true you have to keep into account that the Switch released on Friday (a work day) right before the launch weekend. The Wii launched on a Sunday (a short retail day) so if you count that as it's launch weekend, it only had less than half of the retail hours the Switch had. If you count the NEXT weekend, most players excited about the Wii picked one up Mon-Fri . Nintendo is a master at spinning remarks without actual numbers.
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