Grand. Just perfect. Disney is on its last legs with under half a billion in working cash. Don't beg someone who knows and loves star wars to write a good story. Give it to someone who needs to "give their take" on star wars.
Let microsoft farm all your data for the low price of $40. If you do this get a debloater. "thisiswin11" is a free one. Search that and you'll get pointed in the right direction. Also look into how to get into the os without needing a microsoft account. I can't say for sure if it gets around all their telemtry bs but at least it's something.
I just heard the removal of Willow was to use it as a tax write off. In order to do that they have to take it down and aren't allowed to license it out to anyone. Essentially to get the tax credit they have to put it through a shredder so it can't be used to make money the same way a farmer is required to plow under their crop to claim a loss.
I'd love this to be good but seasons 6 and beyond, well, weren't great. There were some bangers. The Duh Vinci code was one of the best in the series. I'm just so used to reboots being awful.
Rings of power started off as "faithful to the source material". But diversity quotas and equity committees and lots of people who think the source material is wrong got involved and it will be the same here. Also, faithful starting from where? In Greece? That part is absolutely essential to the character but what's popular is the Norse pantheon story. Basically I have zero faith in the industry to produce anything of value.
Ives74's comments