I am intrigued by this movie. The franchise itself doesn't do much for me but Mahershala Ali is someone to pay attention to and I'd like to see what he does with that role.
Ugh, I'm torn. I hate what they did with the launch and want some sort of punishment for those responsible. But they got 6 million dollar bonuses for ruining the efforts of all those devs so what the eff? Fact is I'm being kind of petty. I'm genuinely curious about this game now and the devs worked really hard on it so I'll probably pick it up.
I hope cdpr is hard a work on those next gen T-poses. They dropped the ball on them with 2077 and it's all anyone could talk about. Such awful T poses. Let's get them right this time, shall we cyberpunk?
Y'all should check out a youtube channel called callmechato. He's a former network executive and he explains how the business works. Hollywood isn't making movies and shows for you. They're making movies and shows for THEM. The audience is a secondary concern and if the audience isn't cooperating the move is to attack them. Your franchises still exist, they're just controlled by morons and that will continue until they've been driven into the ground. Then they can be dug up.
To stay true to form they will have to put a huge amount of effort into creating a very competent show that's derivative of four other successful shows and then release in competition with something that will absolutely obliterate it.
Ives74's comments