Blizz isn't doing much to make themselves more appealing to the public. Immortal was a transparent cash grab and D4 will likely be the same. A couple weeks ago there was a new video about the greed of immortal every five minutes and then everyone stopped talking about it. Then I saw that D4 would have a similar situation with a cash shop and "no pay to win mechanics whatsoever". And hey, they're free to do what they want but I'll pass on what they produce.
I do feel badly for that cast and crew. Honestly, pouring everything into something for months and then having is scrapped out of the blue is a massive kick in the gut. It has happened to me in different circumstances. This is the fault of the executives who allowed the production to turn into something that needed to be scrapped. This had nothing to do with the actors, they performed a part as directed. Hollywood really needs to start vetting every part of these productions because it looks like the people at the helm are done putting up with bad movies. Zaslov for sure and Chapek is trying like hell to get to the same point. They don't have sacred cows and are strictly interested in being profitable. Like I said I feel badly for the cast and crew but this needed to happen and it will need to happen on many other productions.
Zaslov may be a genius. The movie was a disaster. Like, embarrassingly bad. But how badly do people want to see it now? A theatrical release will never happen but I could honestly see demand for a dvd release growing til it becomes too profitable to resist. I don't honestly think that will happen but I'm reminded of the Snyder cut phenomenon. Zazzy could turn this 90 million dollar loss in to several hundred million dollars worth of licensing.
Mason, buddy, listen. Most of us watch shows to get away from current day concerns. I know it's real big with your crowd to keep chant going and make sure people don't talk about anything but what you feel is important, but I'm not interested in a fantasy show that has to signal for this world within its own. It's lazy and boring and it's a sign the people writing it have no talent or imagination. Same thing with time travel plots and multiverse nonsense. Two things your crowd love to fall back on because they can write themselves into a corner and then have no consequences. I give your review a 2/10.
The campaign was fun but it got really repetitive. I found myself absolutely dreading the interior sections which all looked identical. And those damn power seeds...
I can't comment on the multiplayer since it's not my thing but from what I've heard it hasn't gone very well. I'd give infinite a 7.5 honestly.
@ghostspartan: Yeah it's a shame. If 99% of players send a message by not buying or playing a free to play and the remaining 1% spend a ton Blizz considers it a win.
Ives74's comments