Ives74's comments

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There should be a crossover that lets you play as Dante in God of War and as Kratos in Devil may Cry. Wait, GOD of War, DEVIL may Cry? What did I just stumble upon?!

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It's not so much that they exist, although I think most people would much rather see them disappear. It's the way they are implemented. Battlefront 2 was frankly hilarious and doomed that title before it even launched. Other titles may not have pay to win options but they push the marketplace on you at every turn. Big banners on the main menu and pause menu about deals of the day, pop up notifications, etc. Just push push push to the point of being intolerable. There are titles I didn't buy because of the presence of lootboxes and there are other upcoming ones I'll have to pass on if they put them in. I'm really nervous about Borderlands 3.

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Using horde sections in the campaign is pure filler. It's a mode you really need to be in the mood for and if you aren't, becomes incredibly tedious. It ranks right up there with escort missions. Also, they made the snatchers way too nimble for the control scheme used and they absorb way too much damage before going down. I'm not asking for nerfed enemies but when they can take 3 full clips even if you're dead on them AND they show up in groups it just becomes frustrating. Yeah, I'd give this game a 6. Not that it's not fun when it's good, but that frustrations really ruin the experience sometimes.

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Oh for Pete's sake! There was no admission of guilt and no acknowledgment of why people were upset. This "it was an honest mistake" routine is pathetic. They have one option after this, a complete admission. "Yes we tried to get away with something because we thought star wars would sell itself". If they did that as well as committing to ending these kinds of practices, which they really have no choice but to do since they will be intensely scrutinized from now on, I would honestly change my opinion of them. But they've got a lot of making up to do. Anthem is going to be absolutely dissected by reviewers to find any trace of shady practices and so will every title they put out for quite a while. And we, the folks with the money they want so badly, have to be willing to withhold that cash if we're not convinced they're playing fair. This loot box thing isn't over by a long shot.

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The way game makers/publishers treat customers is going to bite them in the ass very soon. This type of situation, No Man's Sky, and both Destiny games have made pre ordering a risky proposition. It's made watching reviews from trustworthy sources (not gamespot) before buying absolutely essential. Lazy publishers have completely burned through any trust gamers had in the industry long ago and are now creating an environment that will ultimately cause them a lot of harm. After BF2 any title EA puts out will be under intense scrutiny for micro transaction and game balancing. WB tampered with reviews for Shadow of Mordor and made Shadow of War an infuriating grind fest for the sake of incentivizing microtransactions so no one trusts them anymore. I doubt anyone will be clamoring for another game from Rare after this. And Bungie? Their player base is fleeing in droves leaving them to try and hail mary some sort of patch that will leave players feeling like they haven't been TOTALLY screwed over.

Ulimately, I'm really pleased! I hope they continue burning their bridges until they have no customer base whatsoever. Others will rise up to take their place who have hopefully learned from these mistakes. You don't try to screw over a group of people who are completely obsessive the way gamers are. Look at the person who posted what it would take to unlock everything in BF2. That wasn't a professional analyst, it was a gamer who noticed something and wanted to thoroughly explore it and tell people. They type of person who will unlock every single achievement in a game just for the sake of doing it will damn sure find the scam in that game as well. So keep it up EA, WB, Activision and whoever else wants to make a quick buck by releasing garbage. The more you do it the sooner you'll be gone.

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So more of the same BS huh? One of the reasons the wii u had such a bad life cycle is nintendo spent too much time reissuing old titles so they could charge full price for games that were written ten years previously. I own a wii u and felt really betrayed by them for this kind of thing. I don't own a switch and am convinced more and more by articles like this that they don't deserve my money. The last nintendo game I bought was breath of the wild for the wii u, simply to finally justify my purchase of the console. That leaves one title I'd be honestly interested in, Mario odyssey (I already have mario kart 8 and it's by no means a system seller). There's no metroid, donkey kong, or any other title that would justify me spending money on a new console. Now apparently they're pulling this crap again. I'd really love it if they just went the way of sega.

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This really ticks me off. DICE should never have been answering for these problems. It's not fair because it's on EA, not the developer that was contractually trapped. However I am very glad to see that the public sent a very strong message about these money grubbing business tactics. It sucks that DICE gets caught in the crossfire but there's no way around that. It'll hurt the dev but I hope this game, and every other full price game with micro transactions, continues to sell poorly. Sorry DICE, your publisher is going to ruin you.

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There's one thing about the John Wick reference that should be pointed out. They keep the flashbacks very minimal. The audience understands his loss without having to be dragged through every detail. The movies are mostly present day happenings. I'm hoping they don't make this show 30-50% flashbacks, but I suspect they will.

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There is one option, a total Activision boycott. Anything less means this type of manipulative bs will be around forever.

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So, it has some legit issues. Maybe focus on them. But honestly, making an issue out of the controllers needing batteries and the fact that you have to power down before switching cartridges shows how hard the reviewer is trying to paint this thing as evil. My wireless xbox one controller uses batteries for pete's sake. And sure enough, every time I have to change them I have to cry "not again!" and go to, (did he really say the hardware store? Is this 1960?) the drawer where I keep lots of batteries. And, the original consoles required you to power down the console before switching cartridges. The nes classic and snes classic can't use original cartridges at all. I'd say this genesis has the advantage there.