Arg. I don't own a switch and the $200 price tag is very tempting but the inability to display on a larger screen is a deal breaker for me. Plus any games and peripherals will very quickly put the price tag over $300 anyway. If there were even just a mini hdmi port this system would be a lot more appealing. I wouldn't even ask for upscaling. Just put the 720p picture on my tv and I'm good. Ah well. I'm only really itching to play Mario Odyssey. This'll probably be a console I pick up near the end of its life. Or if Metroid becomes impossible to resist.
Good lord. "Kratos is unlikeable". Yes, yes he is. That's the whole point. He's brute who never knew anything but violence being forced to learn how to relate to his son. This an excellent example of vision versus marketability. It reminds me of 343 studios reacting to the hate over Halo 5 saying they didn't realize master chief was supposed to be the main character.
You know what the last godzilla had? What it was absolutely dripping with? Story. Oh yeah. Tons of story about the guy with the wife with the dying and the cover up and the son with no expressions with the lost little boy and all of that stuff that everyone wants to see in a MONSTER MOVIE!!! They had some amazing shots of godzilla's feet while they were developing all that wonderful story. God that movie was disappointing. So whoever the reviewer was that made the comment "you can't just have two hours of kaiju slapping each other around like a gargantuan WWE highlights reel" couldn't be more wrong.
I'll watch it. Now, if only there were some way to get Matthew Broderick in there.
@pmanden: Destruction seems a bit of a knee jerk but i'm down for some hardcore whining with an occasional outburst. Maybe some nasty emails to the developer. Honestly, I'd be happy with the exact same engine as BL2 with a new world and story. No other game has gotten the loot shooter thing so dead on, at least in my opinion. It ticks all the boxes. If they go live service the balance and loot will be skewed to drive lootboxes and it'll require a login and probably the epic launcher. I just want a single player offline game with the option of online coop. Not a requirement.
Well, it does pose a threat to traditional film. How could it not? With really high quality and relatively low cost video and sound tech available combined with the benefits of home comfort and not being surrounded by a bunch of annoying strangers, why would I want to subject myself to the experience of going to a theater?
There's a lot to this situation but one aspect in particular needs clarifying. The female lead character issue isn't about females in WW2. It's about the virtue signaling and obvious pandering to SJW politics it represents. Female leads are NOTHING new. When Nintendo released Metroid waaaay back in the 80's they didn't release ads suggesting you were sexist if you didn't buy it. They just made a really good game. I don't recall any uproar about women protagonists in games like this before outrage culture became the norm. They could have made her a normal soldier because there were women who served in the military in WW2. But no, they had to steampunk her out and give her a ridiculous prosthetic and face paint. Then they had to virtue signal about how progressive they are and how anyone who doesn't buy this game must be sexist. I think that last move more than anything is what hurt preorder sales. As Disney is learning, when you try telling your customers what they can and can't like you lose customers. And while there are big games coming out at the same time, if they hadn't previously damaged their image with BF2 and then antagonized those same customers with this "don't buy it" line they'd be doing much better now.
Take away for developers: make good games and make the characters whatever race/gender you want. JUST DON'T MAKE RACE/GENDER A SELLING POINT!!! The whole point of a move like this is supposed to be making diversity a non issue. Meaning it's accepted and expected to be normal and not something that needs to commented on. Making the lead character a woman for the obvious reason of being able to say you have a female lead character when it's out of place within the game is a BS move an people see right through it. EA felt the need to suggest that I'm a bad person if I don't buy this game. Fact is I am a good person who isn't going to buy this game because I don't like manipulation and EA can suck it.
@illegal_peanut: THAT'S what I'm talkin about Mr. nut! The gameplay is similar and at least in later stages of the game Kratos has wicked combos sort of like Dante. And going through the God of War campain as Dante would be hilarious. Talking shit to Baldur, sticking a shotgun down the throat of an ogre or whatever those things were. I think it's a winner.
Ives74's comments