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Getting a very tech demo vibe, like they're showing off their "inside of an intestine" technology. Meh.

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Gross. Just disgusting. I mean Captain America's Verizon skin is classy, but Oreo's? Come on Master Chief, what the hell? GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!! Get some woke shit in there! A classically male character with a mainly male audience appealing to the female demographic. What could happen? Actually make the main character female, even better. And a short punchy kind of name. Not Roy, that's male and therefor bad. Rey? Yeah, that sound good. Rey. Or Michael, that's a good name for a woman. And I'm busy, don't have a lot of time to create a nuanced and interesting character people will identify with so I'll just make her better than everyone at everything. Oh man, this thing is going to make so much money!!!!

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Edited By Ives74

@consolehaven: Oh my goofy little dingbat. You're so gullible, and stupid. It is the company's job to be loyal to its customers, not the other way around. You're saying "hey that's mean or greedy" or whatever. You know, because you're dumb. This is the same corporation that only allows one animal crossing island per console. They could do any number of things to allow multiple players to have their own world but that would mean people wouldn't have to buy a separate console and game for each person. It's the same company that starved the Wii U for content for the sake of re re releasing titles from previous consoles and charging full price for them. It's the company that somehow manages to have a "totally natural" shortage at every single launch. See, they do this kind of crap all the time and moronic little sycophants like yourself defend them. Nintendo doesn't need you sticking up for them kiddo. They don't give a damn about you or your loyalty. When a corporation with their kind of track record lets something like this happen they damn well should have to pay. And that's not entitlement. No. What YOU do makes nintendo act entitled. You sad little weasel.

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What is with the "5 million is unreasonable" response? They are selling tech with drift issues they have admitted to and have done nothing to eliminate the problem. Having them fixed for free doesn't make up for it when repaired controllers are developing the same issue. And my god, defending a corporation that's knowingly selling defective products is the absolute height of fanboy logic. "Maybe if I show loyalty Miyamoto will friend me!" He won't.

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Great move Marvel! Wait til we all know she's dead so there are no stakes or even reasons to tell a compelling story. Now you can really focus on the abuse her character went through and draw a false equivalency to society. You all know that's what they are doing right? This is going to be abuse porn. She talked about some of the things she went through in, I don't know, one of them. Origin stories generally suck and this one is going to be super depressing as well. Johansson has said as much and so has the director. It sucks because until now black widow was an example of a good and strong female character done right. When hollywood tries to suggest the public doesn't like powerful females we could point to her and say nope, not true. We still have lots of others, more than hollywood wants to admit, but we haven't had too many added to the roster. Rey and captain marvel don't count.

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Edited By Ives74

This seems in line with their business model really. I'll be using their platform since I have a pc that'll run the next gen stuff with ray tracing and all the prettiness. But it's the only way I'd be playing MS games at all. I wouldn't be buying a new xbox regarless of what I had for a PC. Their offerings were really disappointing on the xbone and found myself enjoying PS games a lot more. I don't know how people who will be getting a series x feel about MS's gaming model but it works out well for me.

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I do understand why people are underwhelmed. I would say this looks like an xbox one game graphically and there are frame rate issues that will be unforgivable in a next gen game given how powerful this new console is supposed to be. That definitely needs to be fixed. But I would also say, how real do you need a sci fi shooter to look? I don't think there's anything wrong with the graphics in terms of model complexity or environmental detail. The polish isn't there yet to be sure but that's a matter of ray tracing or other lighting effects and other particle effects that they are working on. I don't think it's possible to live up to "next gen" expectations because people are still expecting the kind of jumps in graphics we got from ps1 to ps2 or n64 to gamecube. That just isn't going to happen anymore. The days of being blown away by graphic complexity are pretty much done. The big jumps will be in frame rate, physics, lighting, particles, AI, and world complexity. And that's a lot of stuff you know? It's gonna be fine y'all. Relaaaaaax.

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So in either case, whether it's the trans activists or Danny boy, we have biological males telling a biological female what she can think and feel about her own life experiences. So I guess mansplaining is ok now and JK can shut her pie hole because pronouns and feelings. This is where the idea of intersectionality was always going to lead. Different factions tearing at each other and doing more damage than any outside oppressor ever could. This was a really spineless move by Radcliffe but he's an actor and has to be in the good graces of the elite if he wants to work. The intersectional left is an incredibly small percentage of the actual population but my god they are loud and wield a lot of power, sort of. People still have to engage with them through social media and popular "culture", if that's what you want to call it. In reality it's more popularity contests and mob mentality. So he bends the knee and is told he's a good boy for throwing Rowling under the bus. But she has done the same to women to who don't automatically kneel at the alter of feminism. Where this gets really interesting is when/if Emma Watson takes a side. Based on everything she has ever spoken out about she has to side with Rowling right?

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Um, ok. This is my favorite franchise to play but the story has always been paper thin. Handsome Jack was a great villain but he's also the only really good character. Well Tiny Tina is great and totally got screwed with the introduction of Ava. I don't know, maybe I'm an outlier and a lot more people really like the story but for me the best part of these games is the actual gameplay. The story just kind of slows it down. Without the actual game I don't know how you'd make a Borderlands movie interesting to watch.