@deathstream If you had read ALL my posts you would know I criticize both MS and SONY for different reasons. I also criticize the gaming industry as a whole.
I lost respect for MS after 3 different XBOX360 RRODs, switched to PS4 even though I think it has inferior capabilities, and I have always and will always stand behind my viewpoint, based on my own experience, not on propaganda.
I will choose my next console based on personal preferences because I have no loyalty for any of the corporations. So far I can see so many features with the XBOX1 that I can say I don't want it this soon.
If SONY brings the same attitude to the table then I will go back to PC, where I began gaming and abandoned for the simplicity consoles offer. This time I find no advantage in consoles.
@Acardorin Just like we can figure out the message in a long sentence with just a few key words, we can tell this console is bad joke with just a few traces of key information.
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