Ever tried one of those devices that try do everything, like those cameras that record video, take pictures, serve as as voice recorder, webcam, mp3 player, etc....but does it all in mediocre fashion....this X1 reminds me of those. All I want is a good gaming console, not a device that wants to be a swiss army tool.
@rogue81 I agree with everything here. see, I am one of those who will hold on to my old PC or I will build my own and set it up with win 7 OS because I dont have the time to figure out the inner workings of win 8 OS UI.
I have to get my job done without delay and having a superb understanding of win 7 I can't commit to try and forget my basics and start to learn a new and unnecessary UI in win 8.
"Yusuf Mehdi claimed the consoles' deep media opportunities will lead to record industry sales." I couldn't disagree more. A gaming console will sell for it's gaming capabilities, everything else is just turkey filling.
jagcivtec's comments