@4r0d0 I really enjoyed Borderlands 2 as an FPS, but if you you have any good examples of FPS that focuses on gameplay and content rather than graphics you are welcome to post it. I could have mentioned Far Cry 3 also, but as I wanted to compare concepts rather than games I couldn't think of better examples to contrast the two concepts. Graphics and Cinematics vs Content and plain fun Gameplay.
Sounds interesting. I just hope this game leans more towards Borderlands 2 than Crysis 3. Translation: long game focused on fun gameplay, content, variety.....not a short game focused on graphics, graphics and graphics, nothing else.
That's because we are not as dumb as publishers think. Making short games that focus on graphics and cinematic experiences, while lacking in gameplay variety and content is only attractive to kids that don't value their time or money. Learn from Borderlands 2, that's what we want from a game.
Just kill DRM where it stands and it will all be peaches and cream (that doesn't mean we will forget and forgive, we'll be watching you greedy publishers)
@cboye18 well, more complex physics engines open up new gameplay possibilities so we are covered. Much of the gameplay element in a game is based off the engines capabilities.
This is the smartest thing I've heard. Totally agree. Always the talk about how realistic graphics will be and all the trivial crap.
I have been saying this in my postings for over a year, physics, destructible and interactive environments, and lastly graphics should define next gen.
jagcivtec's comments