Just hope this game doesn't make you feel constricted like FC2, where moving in the world was a pain. I don't satisfy anymore with just running and driving, I want total freedom of movement, accessibility to any spot I want to reach, like rooftops, hilltops, etc. The post Assassins Creed, Saboteur, Just Cause 2 era is here and running and driving is not enough anymore, FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT!!
( "Call of Duty" no longer represents a series of first-person shooters. Instead, for right or for wrong, those very words represent cookie-cutter sequel development, extreme linearity, and tremendous financial success") I just had to agree with this sentence, even though I haven't played Mass Effect 3. COD is completely over-rated and sells so good because it's popular, not because its great, like a fashion trend that looks totally ridiculous but still is used for popularity sake, even if it makes you look like an ass.
Sadly, to me a new gen console is not as appealing now as it was in the past. I can affirm that console games have been getting worse as new generations appear. This gen was plagued by graphically beautiful games that had horrible gameplay, very short playtime, bugs and glitches, and more annoying properties. So to me it has been a bad trade off when I compare last gen to current, as all I got with the new gen was improved graphics but mostly bad games. I really hope that trend changes for next gen, because the PS2 and Xbox had much better games than their newer counterparts, even if graphically they were inferior, they were better games.
Both are superficial games with very very limited content, first, the 5hour average campaigns are an insult, second, multiplayer is just a fragfest with no depth whatsoever, so all this FPS crap is a waste of time and money. Want some worthy games with epic, varied and considerable content, good, long, campaigns and inmerssive multiplayer...try the Metal Gear franchise, MGS HD, MGS 4, or the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA 5 has me very exited. I wont waste my money with this crap though.
Set in San Andreas it should include los santos, san fierro and las venturas, with mountains, desert, etc..thats good news because to me GTASA is the best game ever made. Hopefully we will get all the airports with flyable aircraft, nice RPG elements, many weapons and vehicles, including the flame thrower, gatling gun, harrier jump jet, apache gunship, m1 battletank etc..just like it was in GTASA..why cut out the best stuff?...I still play GTASA in my PC, I hope this lives up to that benchmark they set themselves..counting on you ROCKSTAR
jagcivtec's comments