I agree, if a game is good enough that encourages replayability and has a decent amount of content to keep you busy it won't end up in the used games shelf. An afterthought, SR3 was everything GTA4 should have been. Loved it 100%, everything you did was fun. Looking forward to a sequel.
I'm not sure but the RROD problem is supposed to be a thing of the past. I went through two 360s and both RROD'd. I still managed to get two years of gaming out of each by repairing myself through reflow, but ultimately they died. I didn't trust microsoft for another round, even when they claim new consoles are RROD free. They should be ashamed of presuming of their sales.
@NYR_Fan exactly what I mean, fun is what matters. Didn't try gay tony because I was disappointed with GTA4. Maybe I should try it if it was fun like you say. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge GTA fan since the PS2 era, just felt GTA 4 abandoned its roots.
@DashRender619 well, like I said, it felt like a simulator, example: the car stealing mechanic took for ever, 1-try to open door, 2-look around, 3-break window, 4-finally get in, 5-disable alarm, 6-finally drive off. That's the way it works in real life, not fun in a game. Get my point, many other mechanics were likewise.
Agree GTA games are highly polished and almost perfect, technically at least Gameplaywise it strayed away from "FUN" in GTA 4, which was technically impressive but uninspiring gameplaywise contrasted to GTASA which was pure fun.
I do like playing simulators, but to give GTA a serious tone that made it feel like a simulator was a bad move because it loss all the FUN. I will wait for reviews before buying this one and blame it on GTA 4, not looking for high scores, but to understand the mechanics of the game.
If this one does not go back to the GTSA formula and sticks with GTA 4 style then I will wait for a price cut before purchase.
This is a complete game with many interesting features beside multiplayer, like stealth and cover mechanics among others, and its a 3rd person game. COD gets great scores and its just a multiplayer game with no gameplay features other than run and shoot and with a worthless campaign. This site is biased and is losing credibility now.
Not another big issue on this subject!, gamers reject this idea and it will not come to fruition, at least not in an unfair way. I think they're not that dumb and will do it in a way that benefits gamers. I don't care about GameStop, I just want to get games at good prices. If the publisher does that for me everything is fine and I wouldn't need used games, I'd just buy it new for a lower price at release, or even cheaper if its an older game.
jagcivtec's comments