@RobDev MGS has some cinematic cutscenes, but gameplay is full of freedom. Uncharted is a mixed bag of cinematic gameplay and excellent mechanics, level design and exploration. I wouldn't put these 2 games in the category of "excessive cinematics with limited freedom".
@Kravyn81 I agree not all can be open world titans. There are great linear games, but then these were linear but the player had control of the events on screen. What I totally reject is all the cinematic content, timed events where all you do is press a button a few time a minute and absurd on-rail sequence abundance, where you have no freedom of movement. It's not what I consider good characteristics of a game.
@Smokescreened84 @Mifflinite45 Agree 100%. Even though shooters are among my favorites, and that's what upsets me so much, what shooters have become disgusts me. And to see other great games (like TOMB RAIDER) which was so focused on exploration and freedom ride the wagon is just gets me pissed off.
@MooncalfReviews You're comparing physical time, which is not a valid measurement of value here. What is being measured is control, interactivity, randomness, freedom, etc. So you are saying a game which has little of what is mentioned above is good because its like watching a long movie.
Then wouldn't a person buy as many as 7 different movies and get better value? Time is not the issue. We want freedom and that in its own will give time value to the game. It will take longer to make choices on how to attack or solve a situation in a game and even more time to execute it how you planned it, and then adds huge replay value.
I have been saying it for a long time, people are falling, being fooled into thinking all this greatly linear and cinematic games are worth something. They are being cheated out of their money. I can buy a film for $10 so why would I pay almost $70 for a game that feels like a film?. I play games to be in total control of what happens on screen, and if a game can't offer that then I just don't buy it.
Sadly that's the trend and people are going with the flow. I will just look from a distance and continue to support real games, like Saints Row 3, Just Cause 2, etc, and avoid all the COD yearly sequels and others that want to go in that cinematic direction. Then you hear them complain about the used game market. Well stop making that useless crap with no freedom, no choices, no random user created moments, no replay value, that will be worthless in a week.
I just hope this game stays true to it formula. I don't want to see another COD type, short campaign, full of timed events, ridiculously scripted and linear, on-rails, cinematic BS. Hope it gets some inspiration from the ArmA series. Total freedom, open ended, huge setting, tons of vehicles,etc. Will be careful before purchase.
@SiLenTWarrior29 I'm 100% with you on the whole GTASA thing. It was called "the best game in the history of gaming" and I agreed. It was on a class of its own, then came GTA4, technically superior (visually) but hugely inferior gameplaywise. What has me worried is the fact that having SA as a setting doesn't mean it will have GTASA gameplay. We could end up with uninspiring GTA4 gameplay but in a SA setting. That would be disappointing like nothing else could be.
Tomb Raider was one of my favorite series back in the original Playstation. It was challenging, complex and had very long campaigns. Latest entries have gone the casual way, riding the trend wagon, the game has become a cinematic, highly scripted, fairly easy and short experience. I will wait for reviews before purchase.
@holtrocks agree, but also, games should take an additional price drop every 6 months for $5 so if you want to try it later because you weren't interested at release you can still get it "old but unused" instead of ''used".
jagcivtec's comments