If it has some freedom of choice, it's gameplay focused, and has very few to none QTE's I'm in. Make it extremely linear and cinematic with many QTE kills and its just another CoD imitation and I pass.
@hellangel_boy Exactly. Dumb analogy by this guy. I stopped supporting CoD because it went too far with the cinematic QTE's completely watering down gameplay and reducing player control. If that's the winning formula for them, then kudos, but I will remain away.
@milannoir I can agree on mouse aim being very superior to stick aiming, (great for FPS games where you just walk forward, aim and shoot) but man is the keyboard cumbersome at maneuvering
Try playing an open world game like GTA or other action games where you're required to constantly move, jump, run, climb, steer, etc. in all directions. Horrible.
In such games mouse and keys are a disadvantage and the elite mouse aimers get a good ass whooping. Resumed, mouse and keys are overrated. I play most PC games with my 360 pad.
This Oculus device is something I've been waiting for. It will make for very interesting flight simulations.
War Thunder looks very interesting too, considering the excellent flight sims Gaijin makes ( except the awful arcade escort mission fest Apacche Air Assault )
jagcivtec's comments