@naomha1 Yep. It's always the same, people comparing game the have never played. GTA5 seriously turned driving mechanics into bollocks in this one, so there are plenty of games that do driving better than GTA5.
Fanatics are the cause of much of the hate in the world. I personally think GTA5 deserved a lower score, a 7 maybe, because in my opinion, the driving mechanics were ruined, and driving is the main component of GTA so if the main component is flawed the game suffers grandly, still, I never insulted anyone.
@Dasim64 I don't like any of it. Cars barely take any damage from crashing, the handling is very arcady, feels like Saints Row vehicles, Physics feel way off, Vehicles explode and practically remain intact, it's very generic, even GTASA did it better and GTA4 did it really well, the damage model was amazing. It's not about realism but the feeling of authenticity, and it just feels weird. Love the game but this aspect failed in my opinion.
@Stebsis Please understand the context. In reference to the article, it points out how you can practically clear a room "with the press of a button". See that's like a disguised QTE. I personally enjoy pressing combinations of buttons and getting challenged by my opponents. This makes way too easy. Not my style.
I thought Jason from Far Cry 3 was a jerk, but this ignorant teenager character is worst. Interested in the game but this character is just plain pathetic.
jagcivtec's comments