Come on, Read before commenting please. Never I mentioned not liking anything from those companies, they have great games. The subject of my comment is about pushing out the same yearly crap because people buy it for some mysterious reason, and the company denies it's milking it to death, and how the it's the buyers fault that they do it altogether.
@DITHRICH They only make sequels to games that pass the calculated point of inflection in their sales graph. If prototype didn't, maybe the series is dead and buried. Great game though.
Well, demand governs supply. As long as mindless sheep flock to buy that crap they will continue to feed them the trash they want. Milk The Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't blame EA or Activision, the easily pleased sheep are guilty.
Making an issue of no big deal. So, it has been done a hundred times before. MGS is a great franchise and this wont hurt it, superior to HALO in my opinion.
Yeah yeah. Typical corporate streamlining. It's always about raising profits, last year it was 50% profit, next year they want 55% and so on. At all costs. Corporate greed.
jagcivtec's comments