@phoiv Yes, I know that, but considering the fans of GTA4 want to have different driving mechanics, they can just add slidey cars as an option instead of a cheat.
The code is written and exist in the software so just changing the way you activate from a cheat code to a menu option is a snap. I tried slidey cars and it addresses the arcade feeling of driving, not the damage modeling though.
It's the least they can do to please the disappointed fans of GTA4, they have supported R* so they deserve to be heard.
Option to change driving mechanics please, or at least make slidey cars an option instead of a cheat, all I want is a more challenging driving experience.
@rad8045 True, maybe I did get over hyped, and it has many awesome elements to it, but to me they messed up the driving really bad because it feels like Saints Row now. (My opinion)
The damage mechanics are ridiculous where cars have titanium bodies and the driving has so much grip that it feels like cars are on rails. Then the online, doesn't work, see my point.
@Minasodrom Gotta say it seems like pop-in got worst post-update. And the slidey cars cheat works for a while then it stops working even if activated again and again.
GTA5 failure, so R* is just like any other developer, they have the ability to take a high potential game and bang it down into the ground.
I am hugely disappointed with this game, I played the campaign avoiding driving as much as possible (because driving is plain crap) and now online is also unplayable.
Welcome to the band of poor developers R*. Such an awesome world and so many flaws attached to it.
@uprentiss Pissed? I didn't say racing is dumb with no challenge, there's Forza, G. turismo, etc, great racing games, then there's MidnightClub, Juiced, etc, which are cheap.
Physics and mechanics make racing games great or cheap. Those are the ones GTA5 feels like, a cheap racing game where physics don't exist.
And if you have played all GTA games you should know what I mean by GTA driving, It's exactly that, driving that is usually fun with decent physics, particular to GTA, now it's just has cheap racing game driving.
@cboye18 I agree with you that it kinda helps you, but I personally am one of those that don't enjoy the new mechanics, it breaks the immersion and suspension of disbelief for me, I just become aware of the annoyance every time I drive so i just rather not drive because to me it feels and looks cheap. I respect every opinion though.
@uprentiss You are really an intellectual midget, that's exactly the point, it feels like a dumb racing game, not like GTA driving at all. I can tell this is the first GTA game you play because you can't tell this crap is not GTA driving and you actually like it, which confirms you have never played GTA, you play dumb racing games with no challenge.
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