Im really worried that MGS5 could end up being dumbed down. This series has stayed true to authenticity, but seeing how GTA5 got dumbed down to feel more arcade styled, easier and forgiving for the unskilled casual market really has made me expect anything from current developers. Hopeful that Kojima stays away from the current trend.
@Gravity_Slave Try to make sense out of what you read. I went from PC to consoles but haven't gone back to PC, I will go back though, and It will be my own Xmas present to myself, not from parents you asshole.
Then, there has to be no PC counterpart to compare. I can compare to GTA4 and San Andreas console versions, and obviously see dumbing-down. Too easy, for the unskilled casual market.
But then again, I don't need to compare PC vs Console versions of a game to say PC version is more complex, because I can MOD my PC version how I see fit, mold it completely.
That in itself makes it superior. Not having to live with the bad design choices developers make is priceless and is enough to sustain my point. Console version will always be dumbed-down compared to PC version.
@Gears_0f_L0ve I have to agree. Personally shifted from PC to consoles for the simplicity, big mistake, consoles now are all about dumbing-down games and I can't take it anymore, GTA5 was the last nail on the coffin.
It will be a new PC rig for Xmas, no next gen consoles for me. Anyone who considers himself a core gamer can't take next gen consoles seriously. It will take dumbed-down games to a whole new level. Trust me.
@Warful Oh one of my favorite series, impossible to call it shallow, so far. But just like GTA5 completely surprised me with dumbed down mechanics, I fear MGS could go that far and do the exact same for the next iteration, which I am highly anticipating as much as I did GTA5.
If R* did it, you can expect anyone to deliver dumbed down games from now on, even Kojima. I fear we have come to the point of no return, we have lost console gaming to the dumbed down games abyss. I simply don't want any of it, so PC and modding it is.
Easy answer: I'm not even considering a next gen console. Current gen established the current trend of dumbing down games to please casual players (latest addition: GTA5)(totally unexpected), and it will just get worst with next gen. It's gonna be all about lame shallow games and beautiful graphics, pass. Here I come PC gaming. MODS, MODS ,MODS!!!
@Moeremmo Yes, We know that, people are comparing GTA5 to GTA4, which is the same as comparing GranTurismo to Midnight Club isn't it? Same genre right.
Some like GTA5 and some like GTA4, just like some like GranTurismo and some like Midnight Club. It's subjective.
So we are not comparing GTA to GranTurismo, but racing games come in to the discussion because GTA5 driving is supposed to be inspired by Midnight Club.
Which I personally prefer GranTurismo and GTA4 because they are more challenging, although it could also be said it's more realistic.
If the trend is to compare GTA driving to racing games then to me GTA4 is more like Gran Turismo than Midnight Club, and GTA5 is what they made it, like Midnight Club.
jagcivtec's comments